The Democratic problem


Instead of pointing out the success the Obama administration has had from the beginning, low unemployment, the success of the stimulus, the Affordable Care Act, the recovering economy,  lower national debt, good things happening on Wall Street, the Democrats never  spoke out and corrected the falsehoods of the Republicans, but let their lies stand unchallenged, and then ran away from the successes.

The Republicans did not win, the Democrats handed them the elections.

What caused yesterday was not bragging about the successes of the administration.

What caused yesterday was allowing the GOP to lie without being called on it.

What caused yesterday was the candidates’ refusing to back the president

What caused yesterday was the candidates’ lack of courage to stand up for principle.

What caused yesterday was the candidates’ betraying those of us at the grassroots.

All the other stuff, the excuses, is false, and an attempt to explain away the inability of the Democrats to speak up, control the discourse, and counter the lies.

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