Hillary vs North.


So, Hillary Clinton describes what we should do from this point on so that war is clearly a last resort, and not an action we aim for.

I could be wrong, but I believe Jesus preferred that people speak to each other to get to know the other so that misunderstandings can be avoided, and once we see the why of another’s actions, we can, perhaps, help them arrive at a better place.

Colonel Oliver North, who has multiple convictions for breaking the law, and who armed our enemy, Iran, to support a covert program to arm rebels in Central America, does not see it that way.

And we know that he has the credentials and validity to have his opinions respected because he preaches to us about what America is during his appearances on Fox News.

His response to Hillary Clinton’ statement was,
“Those words coming out of someone who intends to become commander-in-chief are not just naive and utopian, it’s irrational. Consider, we are supposed to be using smart power. Sounds more like, to me, we have no power. And that isn’t smart to say as a candidate. And I can’t think of a presidential candidate who said those kinds of things.
First of all, if you are going to run for president of the United States, you cannot talk that way about the people who intend to kill us, who are dying to kill us”.

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The president being the Commander in Chief does not mean the president has to always commit the United States to wars.

And applying logic that would drive a high school teacher to distraction if a student offered it, Oliver just takes a leap in logic and grasps for an extreme, but, unfortunately, drags a lot of people along with him.
“This is potential — this is lateral disarmament. This is the kind of thing that says, gosh, if we just disarmed, if we were nice to people — it’s Obama all over again”.

Cart before the horse.

Maybe we should think, ” Gosh, if we  tried to understand other countries, if we were nice to people, maybe we could all disarm”.

According to North, if Hillary thinks diplomacy is a good idea, and that it might be a good approach to lessen other countries’ hatred of us, she should not be president.

Hey, we have bombs, planes, and troops with guns. We’re ready. We need to just keep having wars.

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