GOP priorities


We have already seen that the Republicans, who claim they are defending the sanctity of life when they attempt to pass bills to protect the unborn fetus from conception to birth, are less concerned about that same fetus after birth.

The red state Republican opposition to expanding Medicaid keeps many of its low income families and individuals, many of them children, from having affordable health insurance.

But in Missouri, a red state that did not expand Medicaid, Republicans have passed the Dairy Revitalization Act that will help provide insurance for cows.

That’s right. They want to make sure that cows get regular veterinarian care even as children can’t get regular pediatric care.

The bill will “subsidize federal dairy insurance for up to 70 percent of farmers’ premium payments.”

Democratic Governor Jay Nixon is expected to sign it.
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So even though many people in Missouri, about 300,000, could use the help from Medicaid expansion to get coverage, at no cost to the state while actually saving money, the state would prefer to make sure the cows are all right at a cost to the state.

Fetus good.

Child bad.

Cow good.

Child bad.

At least they are consistent.

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