Desperately hanging on


They have attempted to bully Americans with the Bible.

They have attempted to force us to follow their beliefs by codifying them in law.

They have gotten into politics so that the House of Representatives has more Southern Baptists in congress than ever before.

They present the most obvious lies as truth, which insults the intelligence of the people.

They are driving the majority of Americans away from the very religion they claim we should all be attracted to.

They are attempting to get Americans to turn on each other by demonizing the other-  first the Jews, then the Blacks, then the immigrants, then the Gays.

And they are losing.

They have made Jesus Satan.

56 million Americans do not identify with any particular church.

That means that, although Christianity may be the dominant religious group because of its many denominations, its ranks are shrinking.

Those who identify as having no particular faith, and those who are atheists or agnostics grew from 16% to 23% from 2007 to 2014 according to a Pew Research Center study with Christians dropping from 78% of the population to 71%.

What was once the majority religious group, Protestants, is now less than 1/2 of the population.

Those who are unaffiliated with a particular church have begun fighting the influence of organized religion on public life.

This means that the Religious Right is losing its edge, and this could be why they seem so desperate to promote their religious beliefs in the public square.

Millennials have a different attitude toward their peers, a little more accepting of differences than does the older generation. What has been used to scare older people to become defensive and wary of others, and to support those politicians who claim they will protect them from those evils, is seen as false and fictitious by the younger generations who see nothing all that scary about their peers with whom they have grown up and  who may be different from them.

More straight kids than in the past have known Gay friends, and seem to have always had them, as far as they are concerned, so they see the appeal to the threat of the Gay boogie man to be foolish and almost comic, and those who talk this way to be clownish with their impending deaths coming, hopefully, soon enough to be rid of their hatred and lies.

When the religious right makes its obviously false statements, they see them for what they are.

The Religious Right has become its religion’s worst enemy.

It is obvious from the lies of desperation, the claims of persecution, and the attempts to supplant the Constitution with their religious law, that the Religious Right is desperately grasping at the edge of the cliff to hold on to any power they might still have and to increase it.

But they are losing.

If, like the Separatists,  they could leave as a group to a land of their own to rule their lives according to their beliefs, they would found a very unhappy colony, but one whose limited world view would have them feeling safe and justified.

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