Consistency is not a religious belief


There are Attorneys General from various red states advising their court employees to not issue marriage licenses to same sex couples in defiance of the recent Supreme Court Ruling.

The reason given is that issuing such licenses, part of their job, goes against court clerks’ religious beliefs. The directions were given to refuse to issue the licenses, but, if necessary, conveniently claim religion as your defense.

Of course, this does overlook the coercion that results from someone with no problem with same sex marriages going along with the majority so as not to create a hostile work atmosphere by being the maverick in the office.

Truth is, the work place has now become hostile, and silence is the way to insulate yourself from the hostility.

Gay people pay taxes, and should be served by those hired to supply certain legal and tax supported services like forms in the public courts. But these people are being told to not supply them.

Dubbya is appointed by the Supreme Court; acceptable.
Citizens United is okayed; not an overreach.
Then, there is the Hobby Lobby ruling on contraceptives and all is well.
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Now that the Court has decide that denying the benefits of marriage to same sex couples comprised of two consenting adults able to enter into and sign a contract is unconstitutional, you have some big time politicians, like those running for president on the GOP side, encouraging people to defy the ruling and to exercise their religion over the civil laws -how very Sharia-, and even suggesting we do away with the Supreme Court.

But in their attempt to claim the high road, these anti-marriage equality people and the politicians who feed into their prejudices and misinformation, reveal the depths of their own shallowness when they claim religious freedom as a defense for refusing to do part of their job.

Christians, whose religious belief system considers divorce wrong and remarriage equivalent to adultery, are certainly required to sign off on divorce papers while issuing marriage licenses to divorcees wishing to remarry.

Will Christians or the members of any religion that holds divorce is against God’s plan and remarriage the same as the sin of adultery, suffer any repercussions if they choose to send an applicant to another window?

Or will someone sacrifice their religious principal so as not to be the outsider, the child of Satan, in the office?

Not sure how that will go, but it is plain that once again, to justify their prejudice and hoping to have it passively accepted because it is “religiously based”, the fanatics are picking and choosing different Bible verses while conveniently allowing the ones they have been trumpeting the last few years to slink quietly and virtually unseen into the shadows to be forgotten.

Consistency does not seem that important when it comes to religion these days.

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