None shall pass. Well, not you anyway


It really is all about the principle.

That’s why while Mike Huckabee was on stage with Kim Davis to celebrate her being freed from jail, not a bad photo op for his run for the presidency, Ted Cruz, who runs to wherever the spot light is, was blocked from the spot light when a Huckabee aide physically stood in Cruz’s path to Davis’s side as she and Huckabee approached the stage.

Cruz had gotten into the jail, out of the public eye, and got to be included in whatever happened there, but when things moved outside and he would have shared the stage, he was a little surprised that when reporters called to talk to him, an aide to Mr. Huckabee blocked the path of Mr. Cruz.

He thought he was going to be able to hang with the cool kids, but in true mean girl fashion he got blocked. He could do menial tasks for the cheerleaders, but could not sit with them or be seen with them

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But, being the moth always seeking the flame, two days later Cruz was back in Washington to be seen again. This time with Donald Trump and Sarah Palin, who couldn’t send him away.

Of course that might be because Cruz was in charge and had invited them to come to condemn the nuclear deal with Iran, the deal struck by Iran, the U.S., China, Russia, France, Britain and Germany that would provide Iran hundreds of billions of dollars in relief from international sanctions in exchange for a decade of constraints on the country’s nuclear program.

Now that this event over, it’s back to the Cruz cave to prepare for the next big public appearance.

That is if the cool kids let him attend.

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