I got mine


Rafael Bienvenido Cruz fought for Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution when he was 14 years old. He claims he was not aware that Castro was a Communist, and, after the revolution, he turned against him when Castro started seizing private property and suppressing dissent.

At age 18 in 1957, Cruz fled Cuba with $100 sewn into his underwear with an exit permit that a family attorney got from an aide to Fulgencio Batista by way of a bribe.

He was a refugee from a revolution torn country.

His son, Ted, often uses his father’s story, and even wrote about it in his memoir, to promote the “American Dream”.

“America, quite simply, saved my father. America gave him a chance… The freedom of America was the dream that allowed him to endure the brutality of Cuba. It was and is a beacon of hope for all those who, like him, have endured oppression.”

And last year, when people began to flee Syria, he said,

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But now that what had been a possibility has become a reality, and the United Nations has estimated that about four million people are fleeing and in need of help, according to Catherine Frazier, speaking from the Cruz campaign,

“Sen. Cruz is advocating for humanitarian assistance to the refugees from both Syria and Iraq and North Africa. However, given the logistical challenges and the security risk posed by resettling large numbers of them far afield in the U.S., he is not in favor of this plan if the ultimate intent is to return them to their homes. As I’m sure you are aware, Cuba is 90 miles from the United States, so this was not the case with the senator’s father.”

Thank God his father was fleeing from a country that was close. That makes all the difference.

Who knew mileage was a major consideration when extending help to those in need.

But, hey, Ted’s father got here, and that is all that matters.


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