The Star Wars horror


I’m not the biggest Star Wars fan.  I am more of a passing one.

I have seen most of the movies and can whistle the theme song. I understand the parodies. But, that does not mean I will dress up like a character and appear thus in public.

But I do know Darth Vader was voiced by a Black man, James Earl Jonea; Lando was played by Billy Dee Williams;  Samuel L Jackson played one of the Jedi leaders; and Yoda was green.

Pretty much anyone in any of the movies beyond the occupants of the Millennium Falcon, with the exception of the big dog, were anything but Caucasian, and although most likely humanoid, not human.

So it struck me as nerdly odd that now with two actors in the upcoming movie being Black, it has become a big issue with some people that White people are in the movie with none-whites, and this is being considered as an anti-white political statement in support of Black Lives Matter.

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Hadn’t these people noticed the non-whites before?

Who knew that nerds can also be so racist?

They probably would never set foot on Jean Luc Picard’s Enterprise since his chief engineer was a Black guy.

How they must feel when some of the people in the Star Wars series get kissed.


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