The principle depends on what gets the votes


There seems to be somewhat of a double standard when it comes to the Constitution.

Congress can decide what limits a woman can have placed on her regarding her own body, or whether or not citizens have a right to healthcare, but don’t limit the types of guns a person can own even though for the Founding Fathers, when writing that in order to have a well regulated militia citizens have the right to bear arms, the most advanced rifle was a flintlock that took time to reload when it was going to be fired a number of times during one usage.

I won’t go into the litany of what is wrong with Donald Trump’s wanting to have a registry of Muslims, their having to wear some sort of badge to pick them out of a crowd, or not allowing any Muslims to enter the country.

That’s something everyone knows about by now.

What I find just as scary is that while Marco Rubio holds that not allowing Muslims to enter the country is unconstitutional, and while not seeming to remember that people from other countries do not have Constitutional rights in this country, he seems to conveniently overlook that people who are citizens of this country do, whether you like them or not as individuals or as groups.

As he told radio host Hugh Hewlett about Trump’s plan,
“It violates the Constitution. It places a religious test. And it isn’t the best way to do this,” which goes against his remarks in November that any place Muslims gather should be closed.

“It’s not about closing down mosques. It’s about closing down any place — whether it’s a cafe, a diner, an internet site — any place where radicals are being inspired. The bigger problem we have is our inability to find out where these places are, because we’ve crippled our intelligence programs, both through unauthorized disclosures by a traitor, in Edward Snowden, or by some of the things this president has put in place with the support even of some from my own party to diminish our intelligence capabilities. So whatever facility is being used — it’s not just a mosque — any facility that’s being used to radicalize and inspire attacks against the United States, should be a place that we look at.”

Perhaps he forgot that randomly going into such places to see what is going on (spying on private citizens) is not acceptable.

He had this to say to David Brody at the Christian Broadcasting Network about Gay people who are citizens though:

“There’s no doubt that we need to be extra vigilant now about protecting the religious liberties of Americans and that includes having a justice department that’s vigilant about ensuring that those who hold traditional values are not being discriminated against. That includes reversing any administrative decisions made by this President that force religious, or religious motivated entities. You may not be owned by a church, but you are a religious school, or your mission is to spread the Gospel and adhere to God’s teachings ensure that people in the private sector and the not-for-profit sector are being protected in living out their faith.

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 The executive orders would be to reverse the executive orders the President has made on things like gender equality in restrooms. You’ve seen some local districts and others been forced to, you know, provide girls access to a boys’ bathroom and so forth. These sorts of things you’ve seen in Illinois for example, but also ensure that we’re not doing anything that at any part in our government that is putting organizations that are motivated by their faith or organized around their faith from having to violate the tenants of their faith and that includes government contractors. There are many government contractors and small companies who provide services to the government who are faith-based people, and they are, they are being compelled to sin by government in their business conduct. That is not something we should be supporting.

His rhetoric is a little louder but, if you think about where he was six months ago, his position on immigration six months ago was nothing like what he’s saying now. And even what he’s saying now borders on the absurd,” he said. “He’s going to deport all these people and then he’s going to allow back in the ones that are good. His plan makes no sense.”

So, apparently there is a religious test. You either comply with his religious beliefs and give those who do the special right not to follow the laws of the land, or the Constitution does not apply to you.

And while members of his party condemn Trump’s assaults on the Constitution, they support those of Rubio.

The truth is, if he looks more open minded, Rubio might get more votes even if that means he completely contradicts himself now that he sees how negatively the public views some of his earlier statements.

I guess this change of heart could work to his advantage because, if he can get Trump to be forced out of the race, he might move up in the standings.

But, he has been inconsistent before.

When it comes to Gay people, he had acknowledged that American history was “marred by discrimination against Gays and Lesbians”, only to then declare in a speech at Catholic University in Washington that supporters of same sex unions were guilty of “intolerance.”

“I promise you even before this speech is over I’ll be attacked as a hater or a bigot or someone who is anti-gay,” he said. “This intolerance in the name of tolerance is hypocrisy.”

So it appears that he sees that discrimination is not a good thing, but equal rights is a bad thing.

I can only suspect that if there is a sudden change in the attitudes of the majority (one that is actually there when it comes to marriage equality), and it means he will get more votes, Marco Rubio will be in the first Pride Parade that will have him.

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