So, who does the fear benefit?


Every time President Obama brings up the idea that background checks for gun purchases have to become a little more strict, or that the government should make sure there are enough people to do the checks, or that programs to deal with mental illness should be supported, not cut, the vocal minority of Second Amendment Constitutional “scholars” declare he is coming to take people’s guns, and they run out and spend a lot of money to buy the guns he is supposedly coming to take.

Now if he takes them, you are out the money you spent on them.

And if you are buying them to have an arsenal of weapons to shoot at anyone who comes to take them, then you are proving the point that you do not need multiple high power rifles with huge clips to defend your family as you can only use one rifle at a time.

And when you complain about removing gun show loopholes, the loopholes you claim do not exist, then people wonder what you are getting all hot and bothered about.

Years ago, when I was a kid, I watched an episode of Danny Thomas’s show “Make Room for Daddy” where Danny came home and explained the new law that said cars needed to have seat belts, and, like a flight attendant during the safety talk few people listen to, he held up both sides of a belt and showed Rusty how to fasten them.

A childhood friend, Joanne, split her lip one time when her mother, slamming on her brakes, was not quick enough to throw her arm across the front seat to prevent Joanne from flying forward and smashing into the dashboard.

Another friend was a member of the rare two car family.

The newer car was in great condition and was used for normal family things like trips to the grocery store, going to church, and when his mother needed to get somewhere.

The other car was a junker that the father used so as to save wear and tear on the family car when he went to work or to the dump.

We loved sitting in the backseat because the huge hole in the floor allowed us to see the road we were traveling on.

If my friend’s father had to slam on the breaks, inevitably whoever was sitting right at the hole would fly off the seat and end up standing on the road. My friend’s father’s usual reaction after slamming on the beaks was to make sure everyone was back on their seat before proceeding.

Another friend’s father had one of those “suicide knobs” on his steering wheel. This was one of those large knobs in the shape of a diamond that came in a variety of colors, which, instead of using both hands on the wheel, allowed the driver to steer the car by holding onto the knob and turning the wheel with it.

It allowed my friend’s father to slouch a little in the seat with his left arm hanging out the window. It was the ultimate cool thing to have in the car.
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Unfortunately this eliminated the possibility of throwing his right arm across the passenger seat to keep his kid from flying forward, as my friend often did as he, like most of us, stood on the passenger side of the seat.

If your car did not have seat belts when the law passed, you didn’t have to do anything, but your next car would have seat belts.

No one bought extra cars before the law set in to exercise the right not to have them, and no one hid his car because the government was going to take the beltless car away.

But when President Obama issued his Executive Action on Guns January 7, 2016, people declared that it would “punish” law-abiding gun owners.

People forget that under existing laws it’s extremely difficult to buy a fully-automatic weapon in this country, and the executive order merely and slightly expands background checks for gun purchases.

It does not, like Fox News claims, equal “Obama’s gun grab.”

It does expand background checks and place a few suggestions to local authorities to help them properly enforce current laws.

If the intention is to limit gun purchase because someone is paranoid, mentally unhinged, or a criminal, why do those who claim they do not fall into those categories act like they are being personally attacked.

Perhaps it is because they have been lied to by the very people who benefit from their fear, the gun lobby which controls the Republican Party.

Any time Gun Control comes up as a topic, even if just for discussion, people flood gun shops.

They spend their money on more guns than they need, and the gun manufacturers make money, while the NRA gets more membership dues.

If people are afraid they can’t pass a background check, or they’re so paranoid that requiring background checks on all gun purchases is somehow “infringing upon your right” to own guns, maybe they fall into the categories of those who shouldn’t own guns in the first place.

Regardless, a lot of money changes hands, and the gun lobby gets it whether you lose your guns or not.

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