Hasn’t happened to me in all my years.


This is what happens when atheists show up at certain doors with books, science, and reason.

You know, like religious people do.

The bathroom in the house where I was staying  on Cape Cod was across a small hallway from the bedroom, perhaps two steps at most.

It was a balmy day, and so I had opened the front door to let the house receive the beautiful breeze, and then I stepped into the shower.

I had left my bathrobe on the bed, so after the shower, since it was only me an my dog, Oscar, in the house, I dried myself off, and began walking the few steps toward the bedroom in the all-together when I observed Oscar acting a little strangely in the living room. He was jumping around a bit, and I was afraid he might  have gotten into the trash, something I know he had done only twice in 14 years, and eaten something that may not be agreeing with him.

I walked into the living room and crouched down, and when he came toward me, asked him. in the usual mature I-only-talk-this-way-to- babies-and dogs-voice, was he okay, was the little prince okay.

He did one of those excited dances terriers do, he was part Jack Russell and perhaps Chihuahua as far as any vet could tell, and then turned toward the open door .

I did too, minus the dance, and there, frozen in that moment before the knock connected with the door jam were two elderly women dressed in their Sunday best holding copies of the Jehovah Witnesses Watch Tower magazine.

Neither they, obviously, nor I was prepared for this encounter.
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I couldn’t undo anything by running back toward the bedroom, and grabbing a couch cushion to hide behind would have been too TV comedy episode-like, so, I simply told them that this was not a good time.

They did collect themselves enough to stutter that they would just leave a copy of their magazine  that I could read later if it was all right with me, and off they went.

My neighbor across the street came over soon after to ask if everything was okay, since she had been looking out her living room window while talking on the phone, expecting the ladies to cross the street and bother her, but, instead, saw them simply walk way from my front door,  get into a car that was parked at the end of the block, and drive off.

No one from that church ever knocked on my door again, and that was the only issue of the Watch Tower I ever received in the 4 years I was in that house.

In my time on Cape Cod I noticed that in the height of the summer tourist season there was an influx of Jehovah Witnesses going through the neighborhood, and Mormon Missionaries in their white shirts and blue ties patrolling on bicycles.

Apparently the salvation of your eternal soul is only a concern when the weather is good because you never saw these mini-patrols in the winter.

A claim by those who want to control others is that atheists and Homosexuals are constantly recruiting people. I had been personally accused of that when my only concern was making schools safe for GLBT kids.

But, and I don’t think my situation is unique, I have never answered the door to find Gay people or atheists on my front step asking me if I had found whatever Gay people have to find, or if I found the joy of living in the here and now, doing good to others  and making the world a  better place without having to fear a vengeful entity that will punish me if I don’t do the good works I have been doing pretty much without that fear.


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