Pay attention, ladies, some of you vote for people like this.


For years Girls have been dissuaded from getting into science related professions. It wasn’t that they were told they couldn’t do well in science; it was that they were never told they could.

They were skillfully nudged into what were considered girl subjects that would lead to careers that were more suited for them, if they weren’t led to believe none were at all.

It is hard to imagine what talents were never given a chance and what progress could have been made in the world if this had not been the case.

I remember the horror years ago when one of my female students expressed a desire to sign up for wood shop because she had helped her father with home projects, knew she was pretty good at carpentry, and wanted to do it for a living, but was pushed toward Home Economics. She fought, as did her parents and myself, but, although she prevailed and was put in shop class, most of her time was spent sweeping the shop floor and cleaning up the messes made by the boys with very little contact with wood or tools.

But we are growing up a little, and people now see that many women could do very well in science, and efforts are beginning to be made to find ways to get girls interested in the sciences.

H.R.4742 is a bill that will increase federal support for entrepreneurial programs for women in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math.

Texas Representative Louie Gohmert, known for some rather odd views on women, publicly, however, opposed the bill.

His opposition is base on his opinion that

 “This program is designed to discriminate against that young, poverty-stricken boy and to encourage the girl. Forget the boy. Encourage the girl.”

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“That’s just not the way God intended us to be treating women. I know that everybody is today talking about equality and we’ve got groups that are trying to make us believe that women are equal to men. However, that’s just not the case. God didn’t make us equal. It is ourselves, we have created this illusion of equality. And you want to know what the most powerful evidence of that there is? Simple biology. We have parts they don’t and vice versa. So right then and there you’ve got proof of God’s master plan.

Women were created for one thing and one thing alone. We are insulting the Lord by allowing women to act like men. Women are beautiful creatures, no doubt about that. We marry them, we look after them, we provide for them and we love them, but that does not mean they are the same as us. It is the job of a woman to stay at home, to maintain the household, to bear children and look after them after they’re born. Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that women should be chasing after fancy titles and knowledge. The only knowledge they need is the one we men allow them to have.”

But, wait, there’s more.

Most of what is wrong in America today is the fault of women.

 “Just walk out your front door onto the street and take a look at our youth. We have girls nowadays who are barely 18 and who are covered in tattoos, who are drinking, smoking, doing drugs and engaging in unprotected sex. And then they have the audacity to say that they’re the same as us and that they should be given the same opportunities? That is preposterous. They have forgotten their role in society because of modern technology and lenient upbringing styles. And because this law was passed today despite our objection, the situation is only going to get worse.”

Apparently Representative Gohmert believes that being covered in tattoos, drinking, smoking, doing drugs, and engaging in unprotected sex  are things that are just fine when the boys do them.

So there you have it.

Helping girls get into fields that involve science, technology, engineering, and math, that boys have always been recruited to, is discriminating against the boys who have been and will continue to be steered that way because girls will now be as well.

And, besides. it violates the will of God.

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