The chance, but not surprising meeting


Well, it had to happen.

Donald Trump and Paul Ryan have found themselves together in the racist pool.

Just as many Republicans are beginning to admit Trump is the racist he is, the Trump campaign has accuses Speaker of the House Paul Ryan of being a racist too.

Ryan has admitted that Trump’s comments about the judge in his Trump University case were undercutting his own push to roll out a  positive policy agenda for his party.

He would not defend him.

“I disavow those comments,” Ryan said, “I regret those comments he made. It’s absolutely unacceptable.”

But then he said,

“Do I think Hillary Clinton is the answer? No I do not.”

Ryan said he has more in common on the policy issues of the day with Trump, and with Trump as president there were better odds of getting Republican proposals enacted into law.

So it’s important to overlook what Donald has said about Blacks, Mexicans, immigrants, and Muslims, how his multiple divorces and remarriages that had followed his philandering spits in the eyes of family and traditional values, and how his claiming marriage equality needs to be over ridden by a Trump appointed Supreme Court because, well, he just respects the institution of marriage, one man and one woman at a time.

Oddly, though, during the primaries, regardless what racist things Trump might have said to instill fear and promote himself, Ryan and the RNC leadership gave him free rein, never telling him to tone it down.

Now, after allowing him to get where he has gotten, they are offended by what should have already offended them

They were complicit in his racism, and it is now biting them in the elephant’s quite ample ass.

But Trump isn’t the only racist.

Just ask him.
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Jeffrey Lord, who makes the personal appearances for him while Trump sits home and gets free campaign exposure by calling into news (entertainment) shows or tweeting, told CNN,

“Speaker Ryan has apparently switched positions and is now supporting identity politics, which is racist. I mean, I am astonished, astonished. I am accusing anybody, anybody, who believes in identity politics, which he apparently now does, of playing the race card. The Republican establishment is playing this. Senator McConnell is playing this. These people have run and hid and borrowed the Democratic agenda of playing the race card. It is wrong….I am saying it is identity politics, and it is racist….Speaker Ryan is playing the race card. It’s got to stop.”

Trump apparently isn’t used to the real world where what someone says has to be supported with reality and facts, not just slogans and name calling, and is getting upset that he is being questioned about his racist statements regarding the judge who is on his Trump University case, and is calling all journalists who ask about his comments “racists”.

He had a conference call with his surrogates and, regarding his case, told them,

“We will overcome. And I’ve always won and I’m going to continue to win. And that’s the way it is.”

Arizona’s former Governor, Jan Brewer, inform Trump during that call that his own campaign had asked surrogates to stop talking about the lawsuit in an e-mail on Sunday, and Trump demanded to know who sent the memo, and immediately overruled it.

“Take that order and throw it the hell out,” Trump said.

He, instead, instructed them,

“The people asking the questions—those are the racists. I would go at ’em.”

Again, no substance but personal, name calling attacks are in order.

And that explains Lord’s comments.

Paul Ryan, meanwhile, who the day after saying he would vote for Trump found himself doing a soft-shoe around Trumps racist remarks about the judge, accused him of textbook racism.

The GOP is having it a little rough right now as they need to distance themselves from Trump’s bizarre statements, but are afraid of alienating Trump voters who they will need in November.

They have to come to some formula for compromise racism.

Not too much, but just enough.

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