Don’t deny the victims’ identity


When Jerry Falwell was organizing his Moral Majority and needed some central issue that would justify Christianity becoming more of a political party than a religion, records of one meeting reveal that it was decided that using Gay people as a threat could be that issue.

There had been progress in Gay equality, and that being presented as a threat could be useful especially if God could be worked in.

To this end, the reality of Gay people became hugely distorted using vague, undefined terms that were left up to the individual to flesh out according to their own predilection for lewd thoughts.

While working 40 hours a week and going out with friends to let their hair down on a Saturday night was acceptable for heterosexuals, Gay people doing the same thing was some sort of lifestyle, a lifestyle that, undefined, seemed to be somehow perverted.

If something were to happen to members of the mainstream community, they were things that must be dealt with and accepted as part of life.

If anything happened to Gay people, it was a punishment from God.

Gay people caused floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, Tsunamis, and mass shootings.

They have been called a worse threat to America than terrorism, and a cancerous tumor that must be removed.

And some were.

Gay people have been beaten and killed, sometimes in horrible ways, because that is what the Bible calls for according to some religious and political leaders.

And while Gay people merely want the same creator endowed rights that others have and the same protections included in the U.S. Constitutional, these are presented as an unreasonable demand for special rights, so that if you are straight it is just a given that you have certain inalienable rights like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness while for a Gay person those rights are undeserved and therefore special and, somehow, beyond the rights of others.

Gays have been used by the right to get votes as if they are not people but props.

And now there is a new use.
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The very same people who have politically abused Gay people are now pretending that they are horrified that so many Gay people were shot and killed in Orlando, and are now pointing out that Islam hates Gays, and that is why Gays should hate Muslims.

The beam in their own eye keeps them from seeing, or actually ignoring those Christian pastors calling for the death of Gays, and who actually praised the shooting in Orlando as a positive step in the right direction.

A group of people treated with hate to garner votes, is now being expected to allow itself to be used to promote hate of another group for votes.

We are being asked to ignore how we as a people were abused, denied our rights, vilified for personal political gain and fundraising, and how churches and politicians attempted to make us pawns so we can be used to support their divisive hate for all Muslims.

But we will not be used in spite of what Mr. Trump wants to claim, and what other politicians expect.

And we have people who, in an effort to not have to admit hate speech has consequences, want to say there was no targeted group in Orlando other than generic Americans.

These are the same people who treat Gays and want to pass laws to make it mandatory to treat Gay people as second class citizens.

If it was an attack on all Americans, then let’s start treating Gay people like all Americans, or find other ways to assuage the guilt felt for allowing the hate speech that resulted in this.

Comments on Orlando are to bring people together, provided of course you don’t use the letters GLBT and stick, instead, with Americans

Sort of like they did when Dylan Roof shot up the people in the church and no one said it was an attack on Christians, just on Americans.

Yeah. Right.

But now there is an awkwardness. No politician, and only a few Christian pastors want to appear heartless when it comes to the Orlando mass shooting. But they do not want to be in the position to offer sympathy to those whom they had previously promoted animus against, an animus that too often gets expressed in action.

So they fall back on the emotional shampoo directions they follow with each mass shooting, but rather than “lather, rinse, repeat”, we have “thoughts, prayers, and defense of the Second Amendment” as it is more important than any other.

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