It’s not just “Radical Islam”


And for those who insist for their own narrative that the attack at Pulse in Orlando was an attack on all Americans by Islam, a religion that supposedly teaches hate, here are three responses to the killings by three Christian leaders.

“The tragedy is that more of them didn’t die, I’m kind of upset he didn’t finish the job because those people are predators. Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today? Um, no. I think that’s great. I think that helps society.

I wish the government would round them all up, put them against a firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their brains out.”

Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist Church, Sacramento, California.

“The good news is that there’s 50 less pedophiles in this world.

The people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, and saw them executed.

Because, in Leviticus 20:13, God’s perfect law, He put the death penalty on Homosexuality. That’s what the Bible says, plain and simple.

The bad news is that a lot of the homos in the bar are still alive.”

Pastor Steven Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist Church, Tempe, Arizona.

“The fact this Islamic gentleman opens fire in a Gay nightclub and kills almost 50 Homosexuals that says something and it tells the fact that Islam is against Homosexuals. So liberals are going to be scrambling to find some rationale and I think they’re going to have a hard time doing it. So the left is going to have a dilemma of major proportions and for those that don’t agree with their policies, the best thing to do is sit on the sidelines and let them kill themselves.”

Pat Robertson, Baptist Minister, Christian Broadcasting Network.

None who are calling for the death of Gay people are Imams, nor are they quoting the Quran.

Prior to the actual killing you had such people as the Reverend Kevin Swanson who advocated killing Gay people.

“Yes, Romans Chapter 1 verse 32 the Apostle Paul does says that homosexuals are worthy of death. His words not mine! And I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! And I am not ashamed of the truth of the word of God. And I am willing to go to jail.”
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Meanwhile, although, Ted Cruz dealt with the shooting by saying,

“The next few days will be sadly predictable, Democrats will try to use this attack to change the subject. As a matter of rigid ideology, far too many Democrats — from Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton — will refuse to utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.

They will claim this attack, like they claimed every previous attack, was isolated and had nothing to do with the vicious Islamist theology that is daily waging war on us across the globe, and they will try to exploit this terror attack to undermine the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms of law-abiding Americans”,

he, like his comrades in the GOP, is terrified to say the word “Gay” when it comes to the shooting as out of 50 senators only 3 acknowledged the victims were Gay, with some doing everything they could to avoid that acknowledgement and attempting to say the victims were generic.

He also attempted to sound inclusive by stating,

“For all the Democrats who are loud champions of the gay and lesbian community whenever there is a culture battle waging, now is the opportunity to speak out against an ideology that calls for the murder of gays and lesbians”,

while ignoring that he was a major speaker at the conference held by reverend Swanson at which the man of god called for the death of Gays.

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), chairman of the House Rules Committee, said the club was not a Gay club.

And as far as subtly encouraging harm to Gays while leaving room to say they had been misquoted or misunderstood, Representative Sally Kern, who has just been term-limited out of the legislature in Oklahoma, once famously said,

Every day our young people…they’re bombarded with ‘homosexuality is normal and natural.’ It’s something they have to deal with every day. Fortunately we don’t have to deal with a terrorist attack every day, and that’s what I mean. It’s more dangerous, and yes I think that it’s also more dangerous because it will tear down the moral fiber of this nation.”

I attended a speech of hers in which she explained that Homosexuality was like cancer in your toe, and if you want to keep the cancer from spreading, you need to get rid of the cancer, to cut it out.

So we have Christian pastors advocating for the killing of Gays, politicians attempting to erase them out of the shooting at Pulse, and others who, like the pastors, want Gays removed because of their biblical beliefs, while claiming it is Islam that encourages the acts of horror like the one we saw a week ago today.

If the shooting was aimed at all Americans, the pastors and politicians who claim that need to start treating Gay people like the Americans they are.

And they also need a little introspection to see how closely they resemble the Radical Islam they so freely condemn.

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