Trump’s stricter vetting



These are the steps presently followed when a refugee wants to enter the United States:

The hopeful refugee must first register with the United Nation, and then have an interview. If the applicant then gets refugee status they must then get a referral to the United States which results in an interview with the State Department.

This is followed by three background checks, and three finger printings, obviously not all at one time.

The applicant is then interviewed by the Immigration Department which could result in repeating any or all previous steps.

If the applicant passes a Homeland Security face-to-face interview, they move on to a contagious disease screening and cultural orientation.

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After a multi-agency review and security check, they are allowed to come to the United States where they are given one more security check at the airport or other point of entry upon arrival.

If they fail any step, they lose their status and chance for entry.

You will notice that the majority of the vetting takes place BEFORE coming to the United States.

Trump says he wants a stricter vetting procedure, but, as with all his plans, he avoids citing specifics.

In this case by saying nothing, he leads those easily influenced to believe that refugees are just allowed unvetted entry.

It could also be that he does not know what the process presently entails, and is just saying what he knows will frighten people.

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