Trump Tacos


When I was growing up in the 1950s, the daily arrival of the Ice Cream Man was signaled by the non-rhythmical jangling of a hand pulled, cheap set of bells on the top of the truck.

He would wait until there were enough cries of “Wait a minute! Wait a minute!” as some kids ran toward the truck with money already in hand, some kids were rushing out of their houses with the money and the order their parents had just given them, and still others were inside pleading “pleeeeeze! Pleeeeeze” hoping for a positive response, and then stop.

In those days the Ice Cream Man would then have to get out of the truck, walk to the back, and open a very small, thick, insulated door to reach in to get what was asked for.

Over time the crude bell gave way to some electronic tuneful thing, the selection of ice cream treats became more involved, and the ice cream truck became more like a van with a window in the side so the Ice Cream Man could walk from the truck’s cab to the back without coming out, and serve the kids like they do now on food trucks.

But whether it was because of the cost of the ice cream treats, the price of gas, the changes in neighborhoods, or the fear of a pervert using the ice cream truck for a base of operations, they went the way of the milk man and the Cushman’s Bakery guy.

But this November could see an evolution in neighborhood delivery as well as with what is being delivered.

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As he explained,

“My culture is a very dominant culture. It is imposing and it’s causing problems. If you don’t do something about it, you’re going to have taco trucks on every corner.”

Considering in his attempt to show how much he loves Latinos by having his picture taken with a faux-Mexican delicacy, a taco bowl, accompanied by the tweet,

“Happy #CincoDeMayo!The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics”,

you just know that if he loses the White House, Trump will start his own fleet of taco trucks.

Trump Tacos.

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