He’s on his own



After all the misogyny, the racist speech, the making fun of the handicapped, calling people names, xenophobia, Islamophobia, inciting violence, and lying, the GOP has finally had to admit that with the “locker room banter” they let the worst thing happen to their party and are pulling away from the party’s nominee and the party’s boss, and Donald trump doesn’t like it.

The way he sees it, if the Republican Party is going to turn its back on him, he will take them down.

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And, because the “shackles are off” Trump has let it be known he is not subject to any party filter and can campaign totally as himself.

According to the Donald, the Republican Party is more difficult than “Crooked Hillary”, and the Democratic Party is more loyal to its people than the GOP.

So now being totally unrestrained by decorum and taste, Trump can cry havoc and unleash the basket.

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