Defending their numbers


        JANUARY 21, 2016                                        JANUARY 22, 2016

On Saturday, while ignoring even the existence of the Women’s March, let alone the numbers, Sean Spicer, President Trump’s Press Secretary got upset with the pictures comparing the 2009 and 2017 inaugurations claiming, angrily,

“This was the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period. Both in person and around the globe.”

Wow. Period.
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Perhaps someone got to him because on Monday, he stressed a somewhat modified version of his statement.

“It was the most-watched inaugural” Spicer now insists.

“It was the total largest audience witnessed in person and around the globe,” he added.

Spicer clarified that he never meant to say that the in-person crowd at the inauguration was the largest of all time, in spite of his having used the side by side pictures during his Saturday rant.

Without explaining what data, if any, he used, he insisted he had meant in person as well as on television and online.

We may never have met him, but we all went to middle school with him.


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