They’re already here.


Since 9/11, and even before, the majority of terrorist attacks in the United States have been perpetrated by homegrown terrorists.

The worst act of domestic terrorism was committed by Timothy McVeigh, a white, Christian American, which resulted in the deaths of 168 men, women, and children.

So, even as Donald Trump has insisted that his ban on Muslim refugees is to keep America safe, people are understandably concerned about what he intends to do about domestic terrorism.

When asked about this, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer responded that the Trump administration’s plan starts at America’s borders.

During a meeting with the press, when he was asked,

“what initiatives is the president taking to make sure that kind [referring to the recent attack in Quebec] of homegrown terrorism or violence doesn’t happen in our country?”

Spicer responded by bringing up Donald Trump’s hard-line stance on immigration.

“The first thing is to look at our borders. You have got to protect your own people first, then look at the cyber threats. There is a holistic approach between immigration and nexus between immigration and national security and personal security that he has to look at — but then, it’s a multi-tiered step. You look at the borders, who we are letting in.”

The question was not about people from outside the country coming in, but about those who are already here, and who were born here.

After this irrelevant answer, Spicer went on to explained that the next step would be to “look at what we are doing internally with our intelligence agencies, with the FBI, to make sure we are looking at whether it’s the cyber threats that we face or other terrorist activities, but making sure we are working with the NSA and the FBI to be ahead of the curve, if you will.”


The reporter tried again citing the Oklahoma City bombing.
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 “Sure, that’s what I’m saying. Part of it is looking at — using the assets that we have here, the NSA, the FBI, looking at and using the different agencies to see if we can get ahead of the curve and see things.”


All that is known, and not from Spicer’s answers, is that Trump plans to overhaul a U.S. program that counters violent ideologies at the root of home-grown terrorist threats, and redirect it to focus solely on Islamic extremism.

Focus will be taken off people like Robert Dear who attacked a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood leaving three dead and nine injured, Dylann Roof who killed nine African Americans in Charleston’s Emanual African Methodist Episcopal Church,  and organized group who have committed or have threatened to commit acts of terrorism.

A number of years ago, it was a different time and a different place, I lost some expensive items that had been taken from my apartment. Along with some lesser items, I lost the large flat screen television I had been saving up for, and finally bought.

I could have gone to the next neighborhood watch meeting and railed against their failure to protect a resident, and I could have gone after my landlord and demanded more security for the four-plex I lived in, perhaps additional locks on the front door, perhaps bars on the windows, anything to keep someone from coming in and burglarizing my neighbors, or me again.

But I didn’t because the burglar was my roommate who had found himself in a difficult financial spot, and figured pawning the television and fencing the smaller items could get him out of trouble.

No locks or bars on the window would have prevented this since the perpetrator was in the apartment, not outside attempting to get in.

What does Donald Trump intend to do about protecting us from domestic terrorists?


It does not fit his narrative.


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