Geez. You won already

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Dear Mr. Trump,

When you were running for president you told us that the crowds at your rallies were the biggest and most tremendous of any big, and tremendous rallies in the history of all big and tremendous rallies, and that many people had told you that.

You told us to believe you.

We did.

Then when you won, you said that you had won with the largest amount of Electoral College votes in the history of electoral college votes.

You told us to believe you, and we did.

We watched your inauguration, and you told us it was the biggest inaugural crowd ever to attend a president’s inauguration.

You told us to believe you, and we did.
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So we know you are president and many people, who don’t like that you are and have been demonstrating, have been told to accept that you are president and to move on.

But now, it seems you can’t accept that you are president, elected and inaugurated, because you spent a lot of your first month in office reminding us that you had been elected and that Hillary wasn’t, and telling us how big your crowds were and how many Electoral College votes you got.

Now you are claiming that President Obama bugged your offices.

You won.

No one is saying you didn’t

You need to accept that you won, and move on and do those things you promised us you would do once we elected you.


A confused supporter.

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