This should sound familiar to many


This sort of thinking might sound awfully familiar to people.

Ever vigilant to find something they can claim is God’s punishment against (name of a group), or God’s punishment for (name something you don’t like), religious radicals love a good disease.

Rick Wiles is the host of Trunews, which claims on its website to be “the world’s leading news source that reports, analyzes, and comments on global events and trends with a conservative, orthodox Christian worldview. Our vision is to build a global news network that provides a credible source for worldnews, events, and trends while giving respect and honor to Christians of all major denominations – Evangelical, Orthodox, Anglican, Catholic, and Protestant. We believe Christians need and deserve their own global news network to keep the worldwide Church informed, and to offer Christians a positive alternative to the anti-Christian bigotry of the mainstream news media”.

He is also a big fan of the “End Times”.

As part of his being a “global news network that provides a credible source for world news”, and his desire to “offer Christians a positive alternative to the anti-Christian bigotry of the mainstream news media”, he recently reported that a possible outbreak of Ebola in the United States “could solve America’s problems with atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography and abortion.”

He also stated that, “If Ebola becomes a global plague, you better make sure the blood of Jesus is upon you, you better make sure you have been marked by the angels so that you are protected by God. If not, you may be a candidate to meet the Grim Reaper.”

So once again we have a religious guy claiming a plague is yet another punishment from God directed at certain people of which, of course, he is not one.

Sound familiar?
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Now we will just have to wait and see who else jumps onto this and promotes this idea.

One person we will not have to hear from is Jerry Falwell.

He’s dead, a victim of the Grim Reaper, which I guess means the blood of Jesus wasn’t upon him, he wasn’t marked by the angels, or he wasn’t protected by God.

Or did Mr. Wiles simply choose to ignore the reality that everyone faces the Grim Reaper eventually?

But, unlike the last time, though, when the AIDS pandemic was solely on the shoulders of Gay men, we get to share the blame for this outbreak with President Obama.

According to Wiles, Obama may intentionally require that all Americans get an ineffective vaccine to spread the disease so he will have the excuse to force citizens into those FEMA camps the far-right has been saying he has wanted to do for the last 6 years.

“Obama would claim executive powers to mandate that every human being in the United States be vaccinated. They could use the panic to stampede hundreds of millions of people in this country to be vaccinated, in fact billions worldwide, they could stampede the world to receive a vaccine against a deadly virus and nobody knows what is in the vaccine.”

So get the note pads out and take note of where this idea goes from here.

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