Sanctuary cities do not confer diplomatic immunity.


Recently, workers at a local manufacturing company held a demonstration.  They were concerned about wage theft and lack of reasonable breaks for lunch, bathroom visits, and sickness.

They were not asking for much, and their demands were nowhere even close to extreme.

When the local press covered the action there were four words in the report that seemed more speculation than verified fact. With no real reason to have mentioned it, after explaining that the employees were immigrants, this is a city of immigrant, these four words were thrown in: Some might be undocumented.

Ignoring all else, the comments following the article were all about people sneaking across the border to take jobs away from Americans, and how it is so wrong to have to defend your family from the criminals who are running the streets.

It seems that with the mention of Immigrants, it is standard operational procedure to automatically assume that the majority spoken about are here illegally.

The word “some” was replaced in the minds of many with “many”, “most” and “the majority”.

Bring up the idea of sanctuary Cities, and the reaction you get is that people do not like the idea that criminals are going to be allowed to run the street without consequence.

This immediately assuming that all these people are bad, and the anger that is expressed toward anyone who presents the opposite, says more about those opining than those migrating.

Has humanity soured so much that the first thing that comes to people’s minds is the trope that the majority of immigrants coming to the United States are criminals with the minority being good?

Why do people automatically jump to the worst they can imagine about people without knowing them?
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Why don’ they assume the majority are good with a few bad apples among them?

Of course it didn’t help that Trump ‘s speech upon entering the presidential race was that Mexico was sending its criminals and drug dealers, and then adding that some of them might be good people with the saddest part of that being that he was just believed without question.

He fed into this knee jerk negativity that makes people feel good about themselves if only because they are happy to hear that there are people who are worse.

Why don’t people think with empathy for those who have come here from someplace else as our ancestors did and did it the only way open to them?

Ten years ago, a local factory was raided in my city to find any undocumented workers. No crime had been committed by any worker at that factory to warrant any type of dragnet, and no warrants had been issued for any employee. The sole purpose of the raid was the hope that among the employees there would be some here illegally and, once arrested and processed, the head of that branch of law enforcement could claim he was tough on crime.

People with families who were here legally and who worked hard and followed the law were scooped up along with the few people who had no papers with some of them sent 2,000 miles away to be processed before being allowed to return without anyone explaining to those who had seen them sent off that they were just collateral damage and were innocent.

These people have had to live under the suspicious eyes of their neighbors ever since.

The undocumented were Guatemalans and not Mexicans, but were sent to Mexico and expected to retrace their steps and go back home. Whatever they had had to face to get here, they had to face to go back, and whatever they had escaped from to come here, they were going back to face. For some that meant the drug cartels for which they would have had to work and then die when no longer needed, or die immediately for not cooperating. If they endured rape and robbery to get here, they would do the same on the way home.

Sanctuary cities do not confer diplomatic immunity. If an undocumented person is arrested in the commission of a crime, they are treated accordingly, with the ultimate punishment being sent back to wherever it was they came from. They are not excused of their crime and sent out into the street.

What sanctuary cities do is protect those who are abiding by the laws from profiling or being caught up in raids whose only purpose is to scoop up any undocumented people.

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