Republicans have to come up with alternate ways to pay for Trump’s Wall

This is how Mexico will pay for the Wall.

Representative Steve King of Iowa has come up with a way to pay for the Wall.

He suggests cutting funding for Planned Parenthood and food stamps.

Along  with $1.6 billion of taxpayer money to fund the border wall, King has suggested,

“I’d throw another $5 billion on the pile, and I would find a half of a billion dollars of that right out of Planned Parenthood’s budget, and the rest of it could come out of food stamps and the entitlements that are being spread out for people that haven’t worked in three generations.”

He believes that food stamp money is available now since Michelle Obama’s healthy school lunch initiative has decreased the problem of malnutrition as evidenced by the increasing obesity rates.
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He believes food stamps can be cut

 “For a couple of reasons —one of ’em would be that, you know, we will create the kind the security that would bring about 10 million new jobs in America just by enforcing immigration law. Second thing is, I wouldn’t impose anything more strict on anybody in America than what Michelle Obama did with her school lunch program.

 We built a program to solve the problem of malnutrition in America, and now we have a problem of obesity. When you match up the EBT card with what the scales say on some of the folks, I think it’s worth looking at. Michelle Obama looked at it.  Republicans should be able to look at it too.”

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) feeds more than 22 million low-income households containing 45 million people on an annual budget of about $71 billion, and Trump’s budget already calls for a 25% cut in that mount.

Planned Parenthood serves nearly 5 million people each year. But because women’s health is not important Republicans keep pushing health care legislation that would defund it.

If Mexico is going to pay for the Wall, as Trump declared and for which he was cheered, why would anyone even have to bring these alternatives up?

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