They are losing their “moral high ground”

We are told by evangelical leaders that if we do not support a multi-divorced, serial husband who cheated on his wife at the time before marrying his mistresses after the resulting divorce, a man who brags about grabbing women’s genitals, a man who publicly tells the world  that he lusts after his own daughter and tells a friend that he thought a 10 year old was so pretty he would like to seduce her when she came of age, a man who is involved in gambling and promiscuity, both violations of the Bible, and a man who swears in front of kids between the age of 12 and 20, then we are turning our backs on God.

Besides standing in front of the Boy Scouts and having them boo the previous president, something scouts should not be doing and which the president of the United States should not have them do, he decided to use a little foul language to begin his speech. “What the hell” may be okay in informal talk among friends, but not when a president is speaking to youth.

He appoints a man as his White House Communications Director who loves the F-Bomb and refers to himself and others engaging in a little self gratification.

He has been cyber-bullying the Attorney General, his first major supporter in the Primary Season (good job on that cyber-bullying work, by the way, Melania) because he legally and properly recused himself from any involvement in the Russia probe. Taking the coward’s approach, rather than tell Jeff Sessions to resign and accept the reaction to that, Trump is trying to have him quit.

This is not sitting well with many Republicans.

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He claimed, without having done so, that he consulted military leaders when he decided to tweet that he was throwing Transgender military personnel out of the armed services.

But his lie is forgivable with the religious right because his action supports their bigotry, a bigotry that supports so called religious freedom laws that would allow people to discriminate against other citizens on very flimsy religious grounds

The religious right, meanwhile, has been silent on his trashing the White House, assaulting civil language and conduct, lying, and his showing contempt for the Constitution.

They have sold out the teachings of Jesus and have replaced them with the support of lying, cheating, promiscuity, foul language from a president, bigotry, judgment, name calling, and the attempt to end health care for everyone, food for shut-ins, and heating oil help for the needy in winter.

They can’t win people to Jesus by spreading His message, so they have chosen to abandon it, and replace it with a faith in a very indecent man.

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