I refuse

I am sure that I am not the only one this has happened to, and probably will continue to happen.

You’re having a conversation in a social setting, or scrolling through your Facebook feed when a statement is made that is racist, misogynistic, Homophobic, Islamaphobic, or simply just wrong and devoid of facts, and you offer facts that could at the least have the other person rethink something.

Ignoring the existence of unknown facts or simply brushing aside those you offer, the person keeps to his claims about groups to which he does not belong or has very little knowledge of. He repeats the talking points he has learned from those whose agendas depend on inter-group hatred, and finally cuts off anything you offer with, “well, we will have to agree to disagree”.

No, we don’t.

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I will not tacitly allow the falsehoods to be perpetuated based on that dismissal of facts.

No, I will not simply agree to disagree with someone who refuses to accept facts in favor of the misinformation and the purposely false pronouncements of self serving politicians and religious leaders who only want and need people like that to accept what they spread without question.

The only thing we have to agree on is that that person is a happy and self-satisfied moron.

They may refuse to agree with that, so they need to accept, just as they refuse to agree to that, that I also am under no obligation to passively agree to disagree.

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