Whose monuments count?

So it seems to come down to this.

Whether directly, or through what he assumes is guarded language, President Trump sides with those who oppose the removal of monuments erected during the era of Jim Crow and during the days of the Civil Rights Movement that commemorate those who attempted to destroy the United States and defend the subjugation  and oppression of people from another race.

The defenders claim it is a matter of preserving their heritage, and Donald Trump has spoken of the need to preserve our heritage and culture.

With his father having been arrested at a KKK rally, I can see why he would find Confederate monuments and battle flags a matter of heritage.

During his totally unhinged speech in Arizona this week he made his stance on preserving monuments for the sake of history and culture very clear.

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He has directed his head of the Department of the Interior to review all the national monuments, the heritage of all Americans, to see which can be dismantled.

Among them are those lands that are part of the history and culture of the Naïve Americans.

If he were consistent, and if his motivations were correct, he would make sure any national monuments, like Bear Ears, would be left alone.

A statue can be moved to a museum, but once a natural wonder is destroyed, they are gone forever.

So, to me, anyway, his inconsistency shows that Trump values the history and culture of one group with which he can identify over that of another with which he cannot.

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