Really? Our best friend?

Trumped asked back in June 2016,

“For the gays out there—ask the Gays and ask the people—ask the Gays what they think and what they do in, not only Saudi Arabia, in many of these countries, with the Gay Community, just ask, and then you tell me—who’s your friend, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?”

He asked that question just after saying,

“Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the Gay Community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country and who suppress women, Gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views or values.

She can’t have it both ways. She can’t claim to be supportive of these communities while trying to increase the number of people coming in who want to oppress these same communities.

How does this kind of immigration make our life better? How does this kind of immigration make our country better?

Why does Hillary Clinton want to bring people in, in vast numbers—who reject our values?

Ask yourself, who is really the friend of women and the LGBT community, Donald Trump with actions, or Hillary Clinton with her words? I will tell you who the better friend is and someday, I believe that will be proven out bigly.”

He followed this with,

 “Clinton wants to allow radical Islamic terrorists to pour into our country. They enslave women, and murder Gays. I don’t want them in our country.”

He obviously was attempting to get the GLBT Community to agree with his Islamophobic plans, like the travel ban, by emphasizing how Gays are treated in certain Muslim countries, and to cement this he announced in his nomination acceptance speech,

“As your President, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBT citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.”

Without doing anything more than accept the words without taking the time to see if there was anything of substance to back those words up, quite a few members of the GLBT Community accepted them and supported him.

Among the countries whose foreign ideologies can be harmful for the GLBT Community, because they have the death penalty for being Gay, are Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, and United Arab Emirates.

And of these, in spite of Trump claiming in his nomination acceptance speech that Hillary Clinton would not protect the GLBT Community here because of her alleged open border policy, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and United Arab Emirates were not on his list of countries subjected to his travel ban.

So while he claimed, “Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country and who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views or values”, he had the chance to back up his promise and protect the domestic GLBT Community as he claimed he would, but when he had that chance to do so, he did not.

There are those who still say his opposition is just not giving him a chance, but is being too tough on him.

So, perhaps, given another chance, his administration would take those steps necessary to protect the domestic GLBT Community from foreign ideologies here at home and when they travel, and take those steps to have those countries end heir heinous practice of killing Gays.

He challenged Americans during his campaign to,
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“ask the gays what they think and what they do in, not only Saudi Arabia, in many of these countries, with the gay community”.

Again, he was referring to countries who have the death penalty for being Gay.

So, if you want to ask me about this, I would have to point out that on September 29, the United Nations Human Rights Council put forth a resolution that condemned

 “the imposition of the death penalty as a sanction for specific forms of conduct, such as apostasy, blasphemy, adultery and consensual same-sex relations and expresses “serious concern that the application of the death penalty for adultery is disproportionately imposed on women”, while also including that “poor and economically vulnerable persons and foreign nationals are disproportionately subjected to the death penalty, that laws carrying the death penalty are used against persons exercising their rights to freedom of expression, thought, conscience, religion, and peaceful assembly and association, and that persons belonging to religious or ethnic minorities are disproportionately represented among those sentenced to the death penalty”,

and it got a “yes” vote from all the countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America (with the exception of Cuba which abstained), Western Europe, and other countries scattered around the globe, passing with a 27-13 margin.

The United States joined Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates in voting NO on this UN resolution opposing the death penalty for GLBT people.

Three counties that have the death penalty for GLBT people and are not on the travel ban, one of which Trump referred to by name when he suggested that Americans should

“ask the gays what they think and what they do in, not only Saudi Arabia, in many of these countries, with the gay community”,

voted to allow protecting the death penalty for being Gay, and the Trump administration went long with them.


“Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country and who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views or values”,

Would trump’s doing it disqualify him as a “a friend of the gay community”?

Certainly he can’t have it both ways. He can’t claim to be supportive of the Gay Community while avoiding decreasing the number of people coming in who want to oppress this same community while voting to support their practice of executing people for being Gay.

Obviously, in spite of being our best friend in the White House, Trump and his administration won’t publicly support GLBT people, and he did not really mean,

“As your President, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBT citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology”.

He just wanted our votes, and some of us gave them to him, and now that he got them, we can be killed off as we are not needed by him anymore.

Saudi Arabia is more important to the Trump administration than the Domestic GLBT Community.

He was given another chance and he blew it.

How many more chances, especially when this one involved ending the death penalty for being Gay?

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