Hey, thanks guys


Hey, thank guys.

In spite of being told by other members of the GLBT Community, especially the ones who fought for the rights that GLBT people had finally won, that Trump was not the “Best friend” of “the Gays”, well heeled Conservative Gays and the organizations they founded bought the hype and the slanted coverage of Hillary Clinton who, in spite of her track record, was presented as bad for the GLBT Community, they voted for him.

Now they are seeing that he was not their friend and that he played them in order to get their votes.

Now that he is president and has reversed many rights by Executive Order, while his Department of Justice is issuing opinions that claim that GLBT people have no basic rights, and his Department of Education is removing protections for GLBT students, even Caitlyn Jenner who said this past spring,

“I’m trying to get the Republican Party to make a change”,

and when asked if she thought GOP leaders like Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell would take her calls, she replied, “I know they will”,

has now admitted,

“I was hoping for a lot better than this. And I was somewhat optimistic and I thought this guy is going to be okay. He has totally, totally disappointed me.

They are by far the worst administration ever towards the LGBT community—and particularly the trans community.

And, as if she and the other pro-trump conservatives who are now in distress for not paying attention to the GLBT Community, Jenner came out with saying it’s time

“to gather together… and fight what they’re doing.”

That time would have been on election day when being pushed back into second class citizenship could have been prevented.

Decades of progress has been pushed back, and those who did not do the fighting, but who had benefited from it are now saying all the battles won must all be refought.

Chris Barron, who co-founded GOProud and “LGBT for Trump” last year, ignored the warnings of the activists in the GLBT Community preferring to spread the lie that

“I know the left wants to scare gay people into not even thinking about voting for Donald Trump…If you want people to have equal rights and dignity, then talk about combating radical Islam.”

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After the election he wrote,

“This is Donald Trump’s GOP now and his new Republican Party is one that is not only open and accepting of LGBT Americans, it is a party committed to defending us. The self-appointed LGBT elites might not like Donald Trump, but rank and file LGBT Americans should know that Donald Trump’s victory last week is a victory for our community.”

Now he has said, grasping for any straw that might justify his stupidity,

 “My concern has always been what happens at the department and agency levels. And I definitely have concerns with what is going on at Department of Justice. The attorney general has a very different position on LGBT issues than the president does. But his job is to carry forward the president’s agenda and not push his own… I’m certainly concerned he is [pushing his own].”

He is obviously reluctant to accept that Trump is responsible for his appointees’ actions or his own tweets and executive orders.

Jimmy LaSalvia, who co-founded GOProud, was more honest when talking about Trump’s betrayal of the Community and and he of th those who have fought for it.

“I never thought that Donald Trump was an anti-gay homophobe. I certainly didn’t think that when I met him back in 2011. But we’ve all learned a lot about who he really is since then. With his political pandering and posturing to endear himself to the intolerant wing of the GOP over the last few years, it doesn’t surprise me that this administration will go down as the most anti-LGBT in history.”

On thing that should have gotten them to question Trump’s “best fiend” status should have been his choosing Mike Pence, a prominent Religious Right politician, as his running mate.

But after teh election, Barron attempted to dismiss this by writing,

“The arguments against LGBT people voting for Trump generally had absolutely nothing to do with Trump’s record or position on LGBT issues. Instead, we were treated to attacks on the record of his running mate and the words contained in the GOP’s party platform.

“Neither the platform nor the vice presidential nominee matters — what matters is where the nominee of the party stands — and Mr. Trump has made it clear, in both words and deeds, where he stands on LGBT issues.

The Republican Party platform is a meaningless document. It carries no legal weight. Nothing in the platform is binding on the candidate or the party, and for decades the presidential nominees of both parties have routinely distanced themselves from their official platforms.

As for the selection of Indiana Governor Mike Pence for vice president? The vice president’s position on LGBT issues doesn’t matter, either.”

Apparently they actually do as Trump’s actions now are closer to Pence than the actions he claimed made him our best friend.

And, as a result of Trump’s actual encouragement of physical violence and his tacit permission for the same, when the young GLBT people begin experiencing the resurgence of anti-GLBT violence, thanks again, guys.

“Out, damned spot! out, I say!”

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