Thank heaven the GOP is protecting us from ourselves

There now seems to be two classes of people in the United States.

There are those who go to work every day who produce the things that make profits for corporations, and who too often live pay check to pay check spending their incomes on those commodities whose necessity results in the profits that corporations make.

Then there are those who do not have to work because they inherited wealth from the preceding familial generation and increase that wealth by investing in those corporations whose profits are increased by those who have to work at them.

The first group are those who President Trump claimed he would steadfastly work for, the forgotten working Americans.

Because of this pledge, there are people asking how the latest iteration of a tax policy will be so helpful to the forgotten when so many parts of it seem to be beneficial to the second group more.

Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of  Iowa has explained this, and his explanation seems to hinge on the idea that the tax cuts that should benefit the forgotten are best forgotten themselves because it is what is best for them.

 “I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing, as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”

Apparently those of us Americans who do not invest in the stock market are throwing our money away on frivolous things like wine, women, and song.
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I am one of those people who divides my monthly income into four weeks, putting the right amount aside to pay some bills at the beginning of the month and the rest in the middle, and then divide the remaining amount by the number of days in the month to arrive at a daily figure that I endeavor not to exceed, sometimes not spending any money on a certain number of days to be able to afford an item that costs more than the one day amount. Emergencies mean my daily amount decreases as funds are needed to cover the emergency. If there is any money left at the end of the month, it goes from checking into savings so I have a “Don’t Touch” reserve that also covers emergencies.

Occasionally I will have enough free cash to enjoy a drink at a bar or to see  a movie.

While the job creators are investing their money to make more while not creating the jobs they are supposed to, and not using increased profits to increase the spending workers’ pay, I, apparently, have enough to live like a debauched king.

Thank heaven trickle down economics isn’t working. I need to be saved from myself

Republicans have claimed that getting rid of the estate tax will help the working class, even though it only applies to estates worth $5.45 million or more.

If I as worth that kind of money, why would I be working? I would be investing a good portion of that to increase my wealth, and spending my free time on leisure activities as well as wine, (wo)men and song.

Then, of course, I might be more willing to support the Republican agenda of taking care of the ultra rich while forgetting those who can only enjoy a movie and a beer with their extra cash.

But that not being the case, as a working American, I would be a little idiotic to root for the rich guys while counting my pennies.

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