Job creation

Trump needed to win over working Americans to get their votes in his bid to be president. He couldn’t come up with real facts, so, just as he did with Mexicans, Muslims, Transgender people, he needed to present the middleclass with something that threatened them.

He chose China.

 “I beat the people from China. I win against China. You can win against China if you’re smart. But our people don’t have a clue. We give state dinners to the heads of China. I said why are you doing state dinners for them? They’re ripping us left and right. Just take them to McDonald’s and go back to the negotiating table.”

It wasn’t a state dinner, but he did have the President fo China at Mar a Lago for some of the world’s best chocolate cake ever while telling him about bombing Syria and showing stuff about it on his cell phone.

 “China’s upset because of the way Donald Trump is talking about trade with China. They’re ripping us off, folks, it’s time. I’m so happy they’re upset.”

“There are people who wish I wouldn’t refer to China as our enemy. But that’s exactly what they are. They have destroyed entire industries by utilizing low-wage workers, cost us tens of thousands of jobs, spied on our businesses, stolen our technology, and have manipulated and devalued their currency, which makes importing our goods more expensive – and sometimes, impossible.”

 “Because it’s an economic enemy, because they have taken advantage of us like nobody in history. They have; it’s the greatest theft in the history of the world what they’ve done to the United States. They’ve taken our jobs.”

 “China is the biggest environmental polluter in the World, by far. They do nothing to clean up

“We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country and that’s what they’re doing. It’s the greatest theft in the history of the world.”

 “China is neither an ally or a friend — they want to beat us and own our country.”

 “The single biggest weapon used against us and to destroy our companies is devaluation of currencies, and the greatest ever at that is China. Very smart, they are like grand chess masters. And we are like checkers players. But bad ones.”

 “No surprise that China was caught cheating in the Olympics. That’s the Chinese M.O. – Lie, Cheat & Steal in all international dealings.”

“But when you see China, these are fierce people in terms of negotiation. They want to take your throat out, they want to cut you apart. These are tough people. I’ve dealt with them all my life.”

“We are not going to let the United States be taken advantage of any more,” Mr Trump told CEOs at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) conference.
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“I am always going to put America first.”

The president believed China’s trade surplus was unacceptable.

He has condemned “the audacious theft of intellectual property,” the ”massive subsidizing of industries through colossal state-owned enterprises,” and American companies being targeted by “state-affiliated actors for economic gain”.

But then, 72 hours after the Chinese government agreed to put a half-billion dollars into an Indonesian project that will personally enrich him, Trump ordered a bailout for a Chinese-government-owned cellphone maker ZTE

“President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

Remember, he promised American workers he would create jobs, he just didn’t tell them where.

The developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta received as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans and another $500 million from Chinese banks, and the Trump Organization has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

U.S. military and intelligence community have already deemed ZTE phones a security risk and banned their use on bases for fear they could be used to track the locations of service members.

The company had been fined $1.2 billion last year because it was violating sanctions against Iran and North Korea and had lied about that, so last month the U.S. government last month banned it from purchasing U.S. components for seven years. This caused the company to shut down and workers to lose their jobs.

This week, after the money from the loan and Chinese bank, Trump tweeted,

“ZTE, the large Chinese phone company, buys a big percentage of individual parts from U.S. companies. This is also reflective of the larger trade deal we are negotiating with China and my personal relationship with President Xi.”

Trump has basically intervened in a law enforcement matter to satisfy a foreign government.

China needed to get out of the sanctions, and it seems to have found a way- offer Trump money.


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