A problem with the Border Wall

President Trump explained a design requirement for his Border Wall.

“One of the things with the wall is you need transparency. You have to be able to see through it. In other words, if you can’t see through that wall — so it could be a steel wall with openings, but you have to have openings because you have to see what’s on the other side of the wall.

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And I’ll give you an example. As horrible as it sounds, when they throw the large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don’t see them — they hit you on the head with 60 pounds of stuff? It’s over. As crazy as that sounds, you need transparency through that wall. But we have some incredible designs.”

Yep, it is apparently a thing.


A poor defense


Actually, Mr. President, your son is a man, a nearly forty year old one.

Junior is only 10 days younger than French President Emmanuel Macron, next to whom Trump was standing when he defended Donald Jr saying,
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“As far as my son is concerned, he’s a wonderful young man.”

You cannot excuse his lack of judgment or improper behavior by pretending he is too young to know better.

He is an adult.

Republicans have to come up with alternate ways to pay for Trump’s Wall

This is how Mexico will pay for the Wall.

Representative Steve King of Iowa has come up with a way to pay for the Wall.

He suggests cutting funding for Planned Parenthood and food stamps.

Along  with $1.6 billion of taxpayer money to fund the border wall, King has suggested,

“I’d throw another $5 billion on the pile, and I would find a half of a billion dollars of that right out of Planned Parenthood’s budget, and the rest of it could come out of food stamps and the entitlements that are being spread out for people that haven’t worked in three generations.”

He believes that food stamp money is available now since Michelle Obama’s healthy school lunch initiative has decreased the problem of malnutrition as evidenced by the increasing obesity rates.
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He believes food stamps can be cut

 “For a couple of reasons —one of ’em would be that, you know, we will create the kind the security that would bring about 10 million new jobs in America just by enforcing immigration law. Second thing is, I wouldn’t impose anything more strict on anybody in America than what Michelle Obama did with her school lunch program.

 We built a program to solve the problem of malnutrition in America, and now we have a problem of obesity. When you match up the EBT card with what the scales say on some of the folks, I think it’s worth looking at. Michelle Obama looked at it.  Republicans should be able to look at it too.”

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) feeds more than 22 million low-income households containing 45 million people on an annual budget of about $71 billion, and Trump’s budget already calls for a 25% cut in that mount.

Planned Parenthood serves nearly 5 million people each year. But because women’s health is not important Republicans keep pushing health care legislation that would defund it.

If Mexico is going to pay for the Wall, as Trump declared and for which he was cheered, why would anyone even have to bring these alternatives up?

Pure speculation on my part

For a number of years I was a Special Education teacher, and my classroom was an alternative placement for students with emotional problems. I was the first such teacher at a high school in the early yeas of Special Education, and the majority of those in charge of the department had been grandfathered into their positions because they had some sort of certification that those in charge of the district who were not sure what Special Education and who Special Education students were thought sounded special somehow. My first supervisor was an elementary school reading teacher who had no idea that there was more to special education than dealing with children who were mentally challenged, but were still cute and docile.

My kids were rough, had a variety of problems, and were anything but cute and docile.

Among the students who genuinely fell properly into the category, many were those who just did not behave for a variety of reasons, but instead of being able to kick them out of school, those in charge had to find some placement for them in it. My classroom became a mixture of students who had true emotional problems and those who had bad parents who had enabled their offspring to do whatever they chose no matter how anti-social.

My job was to ascertain the reason for their unacceptable behavior and to correct it so that they could have a chance at a successful future. That meant there was a lot of observation about the root causes of those behaviors.

A common trait shared by most was that they did not think through an action to see what the consequences would be for themselves and others.  Sadly, when most of them arrived at a point to correct a perceived wrong, they were either unable to see that their chosen action could also affect themselves, or simply did not care as long as their objective was achieved. Many times the chosen action, while delivering the goal they sought, was self destructive. But it seemed that that cost was outweighed by accomplishing what they had set out to do.

Once at a classroom party in the days when there wasn’t so much concern about having food come either from the school cafeteria or in sealed packaging, to seek revenge, two students had dumped a lot of salt in the punch so the kid they disliked would get a surprise. Even though they then found they had prevented themselves from having anything to drink, they were still happy the other kid didn’t.

Because of my experiences then, any time I observe odd self-destructive behavior in people, the instinct is to look for the reason for it.

So, when Donald Trump Junior tweeted his emails about his meeting with the Russian lawyer in what appeared to be an act of self-destruction, my first thought was whether he had acted as my students had, and though he intended to destroy his father for some reason, he could destroy himself in the process.

Could his father have committed some action that has been gnawing at Junior all these years waiting for redress, and had he found the opportunity?

Donald Trump was very open about his affair with Marla Maples, and Ivana, Donald Junior’s mother, whom he loved very much and was very close to, had been humiliated by this.

Junior’s reaction was that of a son who loved his mother.

“How can you say you love us? You don’t love us! You don’t even love yourself. You just love your money”.

Donald Junior was twelve when he said this.
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When Ivana sued Trump for half his assets, and the public expressed sympathy for her, Trump told the Vanity Fair writer Marie Brenner,

“When a man leaves a woman, especially when it was perceived that he has left for a piece of ass—a good one!—there are 50 percent of the population who will love the woman who was left.”

The Marla Maples affair got Donny junior ridiculed at the Buckley School. He shared a humiliation with his mother.

Donny junior cried when Donald and Marla attended an Elton John concert because Trump had told the kids that he would give Marla Maples up.

This affair also affected Ivanka and Eric as well.

Donald senior was verbally and psychologically abusive toward Ivana, and the children saw this on a regular basis, and even if not present, could still hear his yelling and his insults from another room.

In the divorce Ivana got $10 million, the 45-room Greenwich, Conn., mansion, a Manhattan apartment at Trump Plaza on Third Avenue, $300,000 annually in child support, $350,000 a year in alimony, and use of the Trumps’ Florida mansion, Mar-a-Lago, for one month a year.

Regarding her children Ivana has written,

“I was a tough and loving mother who taught them the value of a dollar, not to lie, cheat or steal, respect for others, and other life lessons that I’ll share now in [her upcoming book] ‘Raising Trump,’ along with unfiltered personal stories about Don, Eric, and Ivanka from their early childhood to becoming the ‘first sons and daughter,’”

Junior and his siblings lived with their mother after the divorce, and he did not speak to his father for a year.

There is a part of me that wonders if Donald Jr. bided his time for the right moment which was long in coming, but finally arrived.

Has he gotten back for the humiliation he saw his beloved mother endure?

Obsession with a plan and revenge have no expiration date, especially where one’s mother is concerned.

This area needs to be saved

This is the Donnay Building in Oklahoma City built in the 40s and added on to over the years by its owner who stuck additions on where they somehow almost fit.

When Oklahoma was still in its prohibition era, a patron gained entrance into the HiLo Club, originally a bar, a dance hall, and a gambling establishment through the door with one of those speakeasy sliding peep holes in it. The door is still there, only always open and unused, hiding in the shadows against the wall because of the more modern entrance.

If the place was raided, escape was through the tunnel to the restaurant across the street. For years a juke box stood in front of the entrance.

There was dancing on one floor and gambling on the other which eventually became little apartments, one in which I lived for a time at the end of the 1990s.

A section of the second floor, or, rather, the somewhat second floor, as the adding on had new sections not lining up with the old, has been used as artist studios. These used to be the rooms to which the prostitutes took their johns, like Miss Kitty’s girls did on Gunsmoke.

Just like at Fantastic Sam’s where the hair dressers got  pre-named booths so that over a day’s business there would be multiple Daisys and Sunflowers, the women got rooms with names already on the doors, so if you wanted Roxanne a second time, you could get a different girl with that name in that door.

Eventually the building housed a Gay bar which kept the old name, the HiLo Club, based on the odds and winnings as some were high and some were low, some restaurants, a record store, my friend Dan’s hair salon with his living quarters in the rear, and a series of little businesses over the years.

During my time there, I lived just above the stage area, and if I wasn’t at the Drag shows I could hear the performers and the audience. I was told there were over 30 people living in the building, but you really couldn’t know that because finding the other apartments was like trying not to get lost in a labyrinth.

There is a story that the builder hated his relatives so much that he built a hidden temple in the building where he put curses on them.

I was there in 1999 when the huge tornado hit the southern side of town, and it was a very safe place to be because the bar had no windows of any note and it as a little below ground, about halfway.
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In the early days of Oklahoma City, and remember it only came into existence in 1889, the bankers and moneyed people bought up all the land north of the city, and divided the parcels and built a trolley system that took people from the established city to the lake where the water was that produced the electricity to make the system work , where there was a dance hall, a beach, and entertainment venues, on the way to which people could see all the land they could buy and put a home on.

Eventually the trolley system gave way to roads and the lake was allowed to dry up. But the circle where the trolley turned around for the trip back down town is still hinted at, if only by the name Classen Circle, and that is where the Donnay building was built- the Northern most point of the city at the time, out in the middle of nowhere.  The city has expanded around it, and now Edna’s, an eatery and bar, the Classen Grill, which is what it says, and the Donnay building are all that remain of those days.

The dairy company Braum’s which has eateries that double as desperate, high priced convenience food stores has bought the area and wants to tear down the history for a clone store.

If the building goes, one of the memorials to the prohibition days of Oklahoma, an era that ended late, will be lost. Gone will be the door with the little opening, the tunnel, the door that separated the dancing from the illegal drinking and gambling with its 1940s era artwork, the artist studios, the food places, the little stores, and history.

And for me, it will be the loss of a connection to the people I knew there during my time, some who have passed on, but all of them such characters.

People are going to try to save the area, but it is the little guy against the corporation.

I attached a youtube video shot at the building, and at the 2 minute mark, the singer walks up the stairs to where my apartment was and then down the hall passing it.


It’s the first video.


False story could lead to something good

Remember the old days when a girl had to kneel on the floor and have the hem of her dress touch the floor or she was sent home or had to sit in the office for the day if a parent could not get to the school with a replacement?

Remember girls being handed an old lady sweater to cover their bare shoulders if they wore spaghetti strap dresses?

Remember how extremist Muslims have their women covering up so the men would not have to work so hard so as not to rape them?

Meanwhile, boys could walk down the school halls with their butts hanging out of their sagging pants and nothing was said, and if something was said, the teacher telling them to pull up their pants would be the subject of an administrator supported student complaint?

Well, welcome to the Congressional high school Muslim extremist House chamber.

Or, are the people doing the work there simply being reminded to dress like they are at the Capitol building doing serious work, and that a certain decorum is important?

Poor Paul Ryan reminded the press and the members of Congress that people in the Chamber and the hallway outside should follow the dress code as established, and was accused of practically advocating Burkas.

The rules manual for dress in Congress uses language from the 96th Congress, 1979 -1981, that called for “appropriate attire for female Members.”
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This leaves much up to interpretation.

Whereas it is clear that the attire for men has been a jacket and tie for decades, and this would be hard to argue, for Women, being a relatively new large group in Congress, what is appropriate dress isn’t so clear.

“Appropriate” for women has changed over time, usually by the women themselves.

Women wearing pants was not appropriate until Representative Charlotte Reid wore them on the House floor in 1969, and nothing was said.

The discussion now is whether sleeveless dresses and open toed shoes are appropriate.

Perhaps, and judging from their consistent behavior to the contrary this might not happen, the GOP male majority will consult with the women in Congress and review the dress code and finally define what “appropriate” actually means.

If the men hold one of their traditional stag gatherings to discuss matters dealing with women, there could be a move toward burkas, or something approaching them.

Maybe they will let the Congresswomen wear open toed shoe to balance their denying women control over their own bodies and health care needs.

his words had strength, maybe.

In interviews this past Sunday on both CNN and CBS, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said that President Donald Trump told his Russian counterpart that when it came to Russia’s meddling in this past election and possibly in future ones he should “cut it out.”

 “What [Trump] did was bring up right away the election meddling, and he did that for a reason. One, he wanted … to basically look him in the eye, let him know that: ‘Yes, we know you meddled in our elections. Yes, we know you did it, and cut it out.’”

As a result of this extremely strong action, and while she admitted that Putin

 “did exactly what we thought he would do (deny the meddling) And I think that is what it is”,

she admitted that

“They’re gonna always have two different stories on this. They’re gonna always have two different stances on this. But at the end of the day what was most important was for President Putin to hear from President Trump: ‘We know you did this. We didn’t like it. Don’t do it again.’”
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Now that that is done, we are expected to let the past be the past because Putin first denied he did anything wrong, and Trump accepted his denial.

According to Putin,

“[Trump] asked a lot of questions on this subject, I was able to answer — answered all of these questions. I think he took this into consideration and agreed, but, in fact, how he reacted to this — ask him.”

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Trump accepted Putin’s assertion that Russians did not meddle in the election, claiming that Trump said,

“Some circles continue to pump up the topic of Russian interference in the American elections though they can’t prove it.”

Now that is strength in the face of your enemy.

That Post G20 moment.

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We love Jesus and support terrorism

If you enter a Hobby Lobby store, besides the arts and crafts material you can’t help but notice all he patriotic stuff for sale. If you can slap a flag or eagle on it, if you can cut up a flag pattern and make it into a wall hanging, a ribbon, crepe paper or any form of decoration, or better yet if you can somehow combine Jesus with  flag or a soldier in any medium, you can find it there.

Patriotism and the troops is a big seller, and if you scoff at the tchotchkes, then you are not the American you should be, and Hobby Lobby has all the material you need to out patriot your neighbors.

Now here’s an odd thought.

While Hobby Lobby is going all America, it had quietly been smuggling artifacts from Iraq to put in its History of the Bible Museum in Washington DC in spite having been told a few years ago that they needed to be real careful about acquiring antiquities.

When Saddam Hussein was ousted with chaos at the time, the reports of museum looting were reported in the media. Obviously what was looted would eventually show up on the black market for sale, but it appears the Green family, the owners of the Hobby Lobby and the promoter of the Bible Museum, had no problem with that.

In the established time line, the crates labeled, “Sample Tiles” began arriving as ISIS as growing, and ISIS was in a position to get and sell antiquities in Iraq.

When Hobby Lobby filed its suit against the Affordable Care Act so as not to be forced to violate its religious objection to contraceptives and abortion, even as many of the products their stores sell are manufactured in countries where contraception and abortion are mandatory to keep the population down, many of the fans were the people who enjoy yelling that they support the troops , as if it is some sort of competition as to who supports them stronger, and they applauded Hobby Lobby or its religious stance.
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We have been at war for 14 years in the artifact rich areas in the Middle East, and that means our troops are facing constant danger and many have lost their lives in what they are convinced is a just and necessary war in which they are defending the U.S.A. somehow.

But while the troops face danger, are wounded, or are killed, Hobby Lobby has been benefiting from the war and in the process may have been supporting those who create the danger, wounds, and deaths.

It doesn’t take much thinking to realize that Hobby Lobby is not only responsible for buying illegally sold artifacts (if they weren’t, after all, why would they have attempted the cover up of false labels to get the artifacts through customs), but considering the likely source of the looted artifacts, it may have been supporting ISIS and those our soldiers have been facing.

Without knowing it, the arts and crafts crowd has been supporting terrorism through Hobby Lobby purchases, and the Green family was well aware of that while the customer had no idea.

Must be a little bit of a shock to find out all their purchases of patriotic art and crafts materials, and perhaps the materials to put something together to show your support of the troops, were supporting the enemy.

“I made this memorial display for your son who was killed in Iraq, and I bought the material at that most religious retailer, Hobby Lobby, because they support the troops and love the Good ol’ U.S.A.”.

No, actually they support the war because it profited them both in artifacts and what now turns out to be a veneer of respectability.

Trump reports on the G20 meeting with Putin

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