Get a horse

New Bedford is known as  “the City That Lit the World”, “lucem Diffundo”, having earned that title because the whale oil its whaling industry produced in the 19th Century burnt clean, odorless, and bright, as did the candles made from the same oil, and whose brightness is the basis of the lumens used to measure the brightness of modern  light bulbs.

The business was lucrative and made fortunes for those who owned the industry, but as whales became increasingly scarcer and the voyages to slaughter them became long, up to four years in some cases, the price of whale oil candles became exorbitant, $50 per in today’s money, and whale oil lamps became extremely expensive to fill.

The discovery of oil in Pennsylvania eliminated the need for long voyages and the price of the ships and crews, and although kerosene left soot, had an unpleasant odor, and did not burn as bright, it was less expensive.

As one industry began to die, another one rose, and the old industry adapted.

The process for refining petroleum is based on the process used to refine whale oil and was introduced to the new industry by a Fair Haven MA whaling tycoon.

The energy source upon which this country and the world relied had to give way to change, and the tycoons adapted to the new industry or moved on to manufacturing.

Water power gave way to steam in manufacturing as more adaptation took place.

Steam gave way to the internal combustion engine, and eventually horses got replaced with automobiles, and the world continued to move on.

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Certainly there were those who saw their fortunes being attacked by the progress, and either they stuck with what was old and list, or moved on with the new. But progress did not stop because some, even some influential people didn’t like it.

Coal gave way to oil in heating homes, and to this was added natural gas and electricity. Wood fireplaces and related industries lost their prominence.

The next step is that renewable solar, wind, and the movement of tides will be producing energy that does not need to be pumped, drilled, or dug out of the earth going ever deeper as the whale ships had to travel further.

And now like then, there are those who prefer whale oil to petroleum, the horse to the automobile, and  fossil fuel to renewables, and want to  stop progress because they see their fortunes made the old way dying when, like those in the past, they could adapt their industry and keep on making money in a new way.

If water gave way to steam; steam to internal combustion, carriages to automobiles, it is not unreasonable to think that the auto industry will be able to adapt to renewables with utilities following suit.

The only reason not to adapt is to squeeze the last drop out of existing fuels and the last penny out of consumers while condemning renewables even as they have their engineers designing the systems and equipment needed for the use of renewables to which they will immediately switch when it is to their, not the consumers’ advantage.

And to do this, they have to convince people that just like the automobile was an evil replacement of the horse, renewables are somehow evil and un-American when it comes to fossil fuels.

And the loudest voices in this are those with the most to gain.

On hamburgers

It must be tough living in the paranoid world of conservatives.

When Blacks were granted the right to have the rights all citizens are entitled to, it meant White males were losing their rights and their country.

When women got the right to vote and they fought and got laws that grant them a bit of equality, White males railed against the loss of their country and manhood.

When the GLBT community started getting the rights referred to in the nation’s founding document, the Declaration of Independence, although the rights were the same as those White males have had, they were called “Special” and the clam was made that by getting their rights, the GLBT Community was taking away the White guys’ rights.

Whenever reasonable gun laws and background checks come up, the first claim brayed is, “they are coming to take our guns”. For 8 years Obama was supposedly waiting outside every gun owner’s door just waiting for the right moment to burst in and take the guns. At the end of 8 years, no guns had been taken.

The loss of something is their biggest fear, and although no one is losing anything, the conservatives claim that someone is going to take away their something, so there needs to be a united defense.

Oddly when conservative politicians actually say they are going to take away Social Security and Medicare, they just sit there.

They are not afraid of real loss, but can be driven rabid when, for the purpose of controlling them, someone says “they are going to take way your…….”

While conservatives refer to abortion as the killing of babies, they seem to have no consideration as to the world in which these babies will grow up.

They sat quietly while clean air and clean water regulations got rescinded, and they accept that climate change is a hoax because they listen to those who do not know the difference between weather and climate.

They also refuse to see that those who ignore climate change are the politicians who get large sums of money from the fossil fuel industry, an industry that admitted in a study from over 30 years ago that CO2 emissions were affecting the environment.

The Green New Deal, presently a concept that is being fleshed out, is an attempt to make sure there is a healthy world in which the right to life crowd wants every fetus to eventually live by proposing economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address climate change and economic inequality.

The actual concept was first promoted in January 2007 when an early use of the term “Green New Deal” appeared in a New York Times Article by Thomas Friedman which argued,

“If you have put a windmill in your yard or some solar panels on your roof, bless your heart. But we will only green the world when we change the very nature of the electricity grid – moving it away from dirty coal or oil to clean coal and renewables. And that is a huge industrial project – much bigger than anyone has told you. Finally, like the New Deal, if we undertake the green version, it has the potential to create a whole new clean power industry to spur our economy into the 21st century.”

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On February 7 of this year, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young person, and Senator Ed Markey, an older guy, released a fourteen-page resolution advocating for transitioning the United States to use 100% renewable, zero-emission energy sources, including investment into electric cars and high-speed rail systems, and implementing the “social cost of carbon” which, by the way, was part of Obama administration’s plans for addressing climate change within 10 years.

The Green New deal also wants to provide new jobs, address poverty by aiming much of the improvements to communities of poor and disadvantaged people, establish universal health care, commit to fair minimum wages, and prevent monopolies, a perennial problem.

And all of this will benefit those yet to be born.

But, conservatives see a huge attack on the United States with this.

Condemning the Green New Deal was the thrust of the speakers at this past week’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) gathering.

They are coming to take our cars, our planes, and our cows.

Former deputy adviser on national security, Sebastian Gorka, claimed in his speech,

“They want to take your pickup truck, they want to rebuild your home, they want to take away your hamburgers. This is what Stalin dreamt about but never achieved. You are on the frontlines of the war against communism coming back to America under the guise of Democratic socialism.”

The old people were scared by the reference to Communism and Stalin, but even in this there was a huge flaw.

Stalin not only loved hamburgers, but in 1936 Anastas Mikoyan, the Soviet Minister of Foreign Trade, visited the United States, and returned home with a number of souvenirs of American goods. His thought the ice cream, corn flakes, popcorn, tomato juice, and hamburgers that he had been introduced to on his tour of American industry would be good things to introduce to Russia.

One result of this, besides a cookbook, The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food published in 1939, intended to encourage home cooking and reduce dining out, was the introduction of the “kotleti”, the hamburger, the cheapest piece of meat a few kopecks could buy.

In 2019, the biggest McDonald’s in Europe stands in Pushkin Square in Moscow, and was opened on January 31, 1990 after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Stalin essentially introduced the hamburger to Russia, so when Gorka’s claiming Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s plan for hamburgers is what Josef Stalin “once dreamt of,” is his telling us our hamburgers are beyond safe?

The people supporting the idea of the Green New Deal are those who will be spending more of their remaining years on this earth than those old fogies who oppose it and are stuck in the 1950s.

New Law

My opinion on gun ownership is very simple. It breaks down to those who can have them should be able to get them, and those who shouldn’t, shouldn’t. There needs to be a way to separate the can haves from the definitely shouldn’ts.

I know people who hunt and some who enjoy going to shooting ranges, but their relationship with their guns and rifles is not a love affair, so when they are finished using them for the reason they have them they carefully store them. The do not parade around so people can see their guns and be suitably impressed.

These people are careful of their responsibilities when it comes to guns, and support background checks, training, and qualifying for permits. They know guns, and they know that it isn’t good that just anybody can get one

The colonies did not like the concept of a standing army because of their experiences with them and their knowledge of how they were improperly used in history, especially when it came to those in power keeping that power by crushing the populace. Because of that, when the Constitution was written there was no provision for a standing army, but there was one for militias, well regulated ones. It was only in 1814, because of the War of 1812, a standing army was established, but no one brought up the idea of redoing the Second Amendment as militias were no longer needed in the way they had been.

Even with the Second Amendment the well regulated militias do not need all types of weapon, and if you really get down to it, reasonable gun control laws is one way to keep militias well regulated.

“Constitutional Carry” will become the law of the land in Oklahoma after Governor Kevin Stitt fulfilled a campaign promise and signed the bill.

Major provisions of the bill include:

Oklahomans over 21 can carry a firearm without a permit, or training in the handling of firearms. So anyone, regardless of ability and even those who have nefarious motives can not only buy a weapon, but they can legally use it without having to learn how to handle it. Like driving. Everyone should be able to get a car and then drive as soon as they get it.

Veterans, active duty, and reserve military members age 18 and over can also carry without a permit. This does, however, imply some training

Felons and those with domestic violence convictions or who have been adjudicated as having a mental illness remain barred from carrying a firearm because the federal background check required to purchase firearms at a licensed dealer remain in place.

The law doesn’t cover private sales between individuals and sales at gun shows.

The new law takes effect on November 1st of this year.

Being a law abiding citizen does not mean a person is ready to have a gun or can handle one, and without the need to register and obtain permits seems to allow for people to just pass guns around.

An earlier law allowed for people to use their weapons if they feel threatened without any parameters placed on how a threat is determined.

Under the bill, concealed or unconcealed handgun cannot be brought into in public and private schools Kindergarten through college, public or private sports arenas, gambling facilities, government buildings, and private businesses, unless allowed by owner, or, I would imagine, if you don’t get caught with it until you use it.

It was the first legislation Governor Stitt signed into law since being elected in November because obviously other matters in the state are not as important as guns.

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State Senator Carri Hicks said that the data from 2016-17 showed an increase in gun deaths that exceeds the national average in states that have implemented similar laws.

State Senator Mary Boren, who opposed the bill said,

 “One thing that we really trust in Senate District 16 is law enforcement to help keep the peace, and this bill changes the relationship between gun owners and law enforcement. This bill takes away a tool that law enforcement has trained on and is used to using in order to interact with gun owners in our community.”

Oklahoma City Police Chief Bill Citty has condemned the law.

 “Saying that it makes communities safer, that’s (a) pretty tired and old statement, as far as I’m concerned. That’s not the case. We should be going the other direction and be more responsible about who we have carrying guns in this country.”

Under current law, only limited training is required for people wishing to carry firearms in public, but the police chief feels that is better than nothing.

“At least they’re responsible enough to go get a permit and go through the motions, pay for it. Now, you don’t have to do any of that. Any individual can carry one at any point in time, regardless of how responsible they are.”

He also believes that as easier access to firearms could lead to more homicides, accidental shootings, and suicides, deaths will increase after the law takes effect.

The governor may believe, as he has stated, in the theoretical adage that “the best defense for a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” but the chief ,whose officers have to deal with reality, has pointed out that assumed “bad guys” have been shot by responding officers because it is difficult to distinguish who the supposed “good guys” are especially as,

“Citizens don’t wear uniforms.”

“Most people don’t know how to use a firearm, they don’t know when they can take a life, they don’t know when it’s justifiable to use one. We’ve put people in jail, and we’ve prosecuted them, that are good people and been good people all their lives that carried a gun and got upset and angry about something and shot somebody and killed them.”

The chief believes in the right to bear arms and the right to protect themselves and their property, but he also believes, like the majority of American citizens, in the need to regulate firearms.

Most reasonable people do.

Oklahoma has had open carry in place since 1012, and I have to admit that when I was in Oklahoma visiting friends and checking on things that had been being built when I lived there and were now finished, it was a little disconcerting to see people with exposed guns walking around, especially not having any idea what was considered threatening or who might consider something threatening, where someone else might not, and act on that with other people being around.

At least with concealed carry it takes a little longer to get a gun out and give people a chance to get out of the way..

Even Dodge City, in spite of what is seen in movies and on TV, didn’t allow guns in town.

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