In Jesus’s name

There is no shame in not understanding everything about every thing.

The shame comes from how we might react toward something we don’t fully understand.

We may have a degree of understanding when it comes to other people, their lives, their loves, their likes and dislikes, their psyche, their problems, but we are not them, so we cannot possibly have as much an understanding of them as they do of themselves.

But our shame can come from assuming that our knowledge of them is equal to or better than their understanding of themselves, so feel we are entitled to make judgments about them and treat them according to that.

I am a cis-gender Gay male, and I know what that means. Someone who is not a cis-gender Gay male may have an academic understanding of it, but as it is my life and who I am, they cannot possibly have an understanding equal to my own, and even when it comes to other cis-gender Gay males, they might have an understanding of what that is, but our commonality separates where our life experiences differ.

And the biggest source of shame is when a person, who does not understand something, condemns it and tries to have others condemn it based on what they will not accept is their incomplete knowledge. This gets even more shameful, when, without consultation with Him, people claim their conclusions based on their limited understanding is the same as God’s.

What people have to accept is that it is not necessary if something is to be allowed to be that it must pass their approval, and it is not their place to control other people’s lives.

Recently in Achille, Oklahoma, a parent group on Facebook is threatening to cause bodily harm to a 12-year-old transgender girl.

The parents are attempting to alienate, harass, and discriminate against the girl and all Transgender students, and they are encouraging other students to join in and assault the Trans girl so she will be  too scared to attend school.

The bullied student’s mother filed a restraining order this past Friday, August 10 , against Burney Crenshaw, the ringleader of this anti-Trans attack, a man who has previously been convicted of domestic abuse after pleading no contest in 2006 for which he got a deferred sentence.

His wife had also posted this on the Achille Parent Group Facebook page in support of her husband’s call for violence,

  “Heads up parents of 5th thru 7th grade girls. The transgender is already using the girls bathroom. We have been told how the school has gone above and beyond to make sure he has his own restroom yet he is still using the girls. REALLY….looks like it’s gonna be a long year. We have made school board meetings over this situation last year but nothing seems to be changing. This is the same kid that got an trouble as soon as he transferred two years ago for looking over the stalls in the girls bathroom. Enough is enough. – with Burney Crenshaw.”

She insultingly insists on referring to the girl as “he” which shows clearly she has NO understanding of Transgender, and as there is no record of that stall peeping claim she is relying on the lack of information that others have to act hatefully toward a child..

The responses to this post included,
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 “If he wants to be a female make him a female. A good sharp knife will do the job really quick”, submitted by Edward W. Belcher, a white supremacist supporter of the Confederacy.

Kevin Lee Bickerstaff, 58 of Ada, Oklahoma, and a bus driver for Frontier Airlines who has been sued in court for non-payment of debts, posted, “Just tell the kids to kick ass in the bathroom and it won’t want to come back!”

Seth Cooper suggested that Crenshaw’s son should “whip his ass until he quits coming to school.”

According to the 2010 census, the town of Achille has a population of only 492.

Of course, Jesus gets pulled in, so now Jeff Sessions can leave these people alone because his Religious Liberty Task Force will protect those advocating and perhaps acting on their words, while condemning the kid and her parent for persecuting Christians for exercising their religion.

Eddie Mc Croskey posted,

“Parent and churches need to shut this down. The Bible says God created man. And woman….not any transgender bs…..also says any man lay with another man, he be condemned to hell…..Hell with new laws and new rules, this is what our future is if WE don’t stop it.”

These are parents calling for other adults and other students to physically, emotionally, and psychologically assault a 12 year old girl because they neither understand what it is to be Transgender, nor do they want to take the time to get the necessary knowledge.

If you are okay with what these people are advocating because it fits in well with the little you understand, that is the shame.

These people claim this child will assault other girls in the restroom without anything to base that claim on, while their desire to harm her in the restroom is evidenced by their Facebook posts.





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