The GOP obsession

I am beginning to think that the “GOP” does not stand for Grand Old Party”, but, basing my impression on the Republican obsession with people’s genders, sexual orientations, identities, and activities, and to anything related to “down town”, it actually stands for “Genitals Of People” or “Genders Of People”.

While they are happy with a president who boasts of grabbing women by the pussy and forcing himself on women on the strength of his celebrity status, they are obsessed with what women and anyone, for that matter, does with their genitals by their own choice.

Using their religion as the basis of their actions, predominantly Republican state legislatures pass bills to control women’s reproductive rights on questionable Biblical terms, going so far as to proclaim a child from rape is a blessing from God, and making it mandatory that a woman impregnated by a rapist inserting his “probe” into her be subjected to the further insertion of a probe before she is allowed to choose an abortion.

President Trump, the best scientist ever, has decided what the definition of gender is so that discriminating against Transgender people is justified as is his decision to ban Transgender people from serving in the military, a decision that came out of nowhere and is based on nothing quantifiable.

And let’s not forget that the religious right, the conscience of the GOP, tried to eliminate the prevention of the lynching of GLBT citizens by having them removed from proposed federal anti-lynching legislation, the Justice for Victims of Lynching Act of 2018, which passed with no Republican support. They claimed lynchings were already covered by state laws against murder, but conveniently ignored that historically the states where lynchings happened had done nothing to the people doing the lynchings, and that law enforcement and community support of lynchings was evident from the pictures of them that were sold as postcards.

In spite of their wanting someone to be able to lynch, the bill passed with the inclusion of

“If 2 or more persons, in any circumstance described in subparagraph (B), willfully cause bodily injury to any other person because of the actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of any person…”

before listing the consequences.

But they still have the “no cupcakes” laws.

Texas state representative Bill Zedler is hoping to legalize discrimination against GLBT people in the Lone Star State.
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Back in 2017 he introduced a “Free to Believe Act”, but it failed, so he is trying again this year with a bill that would make it illegal for any number of government entities to take any action against a religious organization or private citizens whose “sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions” cause them to discriminate against LGBT people. Those government entities include the state of Texas, its supreme court, and even a private citizen who sues in order to enforce a law enacted by the state, such as this one.

The bill defines “sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions” as the opinion that marriage should only be between one man and one woman, and that man and woman “refer to an individual’s immutable biological sex determined by anatomy and genetics at the time of birth” so that same-sex couples can be denied services over the course of their marriage, and cutting transgender people off entirely from goods and services appropriate to their gender is legal.

The bill would allow discriminating against GLBT people throughout the state in everything from healthcare to housing, and re-introduces the anti-bathroom regulations that died during the last legislative session.

Also in Texas, where Democratic lawmakers have introduced a variety of bills that would advance GLBT equality in the state, Republicans, opposed to the legislation, have claimed that such protections would result in banning the Bible because, as the Texas Values group claims, GLBT equality bills “would attack people of faith so viciously, we can justifiably describe them as ‘Ban The Bible bills’.”

Imagine having to treat your fellow citizens with dignity and respect, while having the  same inalienable rights with which we were all endowed by our creator is seen by the religious crowd as a vicious attack on people of faith.

These proposed bills would ban anti-GLBT discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations; protect youth from conversion therapy, and make it easier for transgender people to update their birth certificates.

There is no mention of the Bible in any of the bills to which the religious right and their political party, the GOP, object, but when victimizers want to play the victim to justify their actions, bearing false witness, a violation of one of the Ten Commandments, is acceptable.

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