This won’t stay in vegas

Where do people go from all over the world, hang out in large groups, touch a lot of objects, and then go home bringing with them more than their winnings or regrets?

Las Vegas, of course, where what happens there stays there, except when it comes to viruses.

But during this virus pandemic and with the proscriptions to doing what is done in Vegas, it, like other places, has been closed.

The mayor of the city part of what is collectively called Las Vegas, Carolyn Goodman, has decided that if a business there feels like it should reopen, by all means it should, and if there is any further outbreak, it can be closed down again.

As the mayor has explained the idea is to

“Assume everybody is a carrier. And then you start from an even slate. And tell the people what to do. And let the businesses open and competition will destroy that business if, in fact, they become evident that they have disease, they’re closed down. It’s that simple.”

Because, we all know when people go there, they stay and don’t return home.

The city of Las Vegas is not the same as The Strip as that is on county land, so the mayor has no control over it, and Stephen Cloobeck, the CEO of Diamond Resorts International wanted to make this clear when he explained,

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“Mayor Goodman is the mayor of Las Vegas downtown, she has nothing to do with the strip and we’re sick and tired of hearing this.” 

I have been to Vegas. Most people wander from casino to casino, restaurant to restaurant, and, often, hotel to hotel. It is an escape from home standards, after all.

Another form of gambling in Vegas that we all get to share in, even from our home towns without having to be there.

Although his organization would like to open for business in mid-May as opposed to Mayor Goodman’s plan to reopen at the end of April, the CEO of Wynn Resorts, ‘Matt’ Maddox, said

“that opinion has no basis in science or data and should be ignored.” 

Goodman, like most people who are not medical people or scientists, explained why reopening is possible.

“We’ve survived the West Nile and SARS, Bird Flu, E. coli, swine flu, the Zika virus.”

These were not as contagious and did not spread as far as this disease has.

In Las Vegas’s home state, Nevada, there have been nearly 4,000 cases and 163 deaths. 

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