Not my brother’s keeper

I understand and accept the right to peaceably assemble for the purpose of getting the government to redress a wrong. I have been part of quite a few assemblages like that. However, when did it become acceptable for people to gather at state capitols brandishing firearms to make their point, especially when guns are not the issue, but health is?

Obviously the show of arms is meant as an unspoken threat.

In California, when the Black Panthers showed up in Sacramento with rifles to defend their Second Amendment right to bear arms, after they handed over their rifles to security when asked to do and retrieving them after the legislative session they had gone to attend, the governor at the time, Ronald Reagan the god of the GOP and the NRA, enacted a strong gun control law in that state.

Obviously, unless it was a racial thing, the idea of bringing firearms to the state capital for whatever reason was not an acceptable one.

At least, the reason why the Black Panthers had brought their rifles was germane to the topic being discussed that day.

But the people doing this recently did so to protest the rules that have us all watching out for the health of us all.

Besides the irrelevant presence of the Confederate flag at the state capitals of Northern states where it is not part of the cultural heritage as it was the South, not the North, who had taken up arms against the United States, there were signs defending the Second Amendment and protesting abortion, neither of which has anything to do with social distancing, not gathering in large groups, wearing face masks, or making sure none of us do anything that could overtly or covertly negatively affect the health of others.

Among the signs being held and in recorded interviews of those in attendance there was evidence that, in spite of traditional claims, there is support for hypocrisy when it comes to race and gender.

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The usual knee-jerk response to anyone displaying a sign or wearing a t-shirt with the slogan “Black Lives Matter” that “All Lives Matter” seems negated by those crowded together and not wearing masks as they coughed, spoke with, and touched each other.

All lives, obviously, do not matter especially as shown by the automobile demonstrations that blocked the entrances to hospitals and the progress of the ambulances trying to get to them.

Men and women who support the idea that the government has a right to defund Plan Parenthood and pass laws that control women’s bodies held signs and made comments that the stay in place rules in their states were wrong because, even if they were exposing themselves to possibly getting the corona virus, it was their body and, therefore, their choice, one that the government should keep its hands off.

“My body, my choice” is acceptable now.

At least when it is convenient.

There were some who, when asked about endangering the lives of those to whom they may return when the event was over and were reminded of the virus death count, brought up the number of abortions as if spreading the virus to other people and having them die was some sort of balancing act. However, it would seem with some of the deaths among ministers and their flocks, some who opposed abortion have been on the acceptable list of those who must die to offset them.

And as further indication that life is not something that actually does matter, states with rising numbers of those showing signs of having the virus and those dying from it are opening hair salons, tattoo parlors, and bowling alleys.

While watching various news reports about COVID-19 and those that are covering all the gun toting rallies, one man stood out when he admitted that he was there to defend his right to do as he chose even if he may expose others to something that could kill them because he was under no obligation to watch out for the welfare of his neighbor.

Nice guy.

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