pre-emptive step

Whenever I sit down to draw a cartoon or compose an essay for my blog, although I am not paranoid about it, I do occasionally check to make sure any thing I drew might come across as insensitive in spite of my intending not to be.

I have lived in enough places to know that there are a lot of different ways to see the same thing depending on nature and nurture. Something may be humorously innocuous to me, but that does not mean that same word, stereotype, or treatment was the same for someone else who might have suffered from that.

When I publish something I am aware that there will be people with an opinion for or against on a huge continuum, so if someone does complain, I take the time to see if there is validity to it. Usually, it comes down to missing the joke, not allowing that not everyone holds all the same things with the same reverence, or the offense is actually some internalized thing that no one but the complainant can effectively address.

Sometimes it has been a matter of learning that something, a common phrase, a figure of speech, although acceptable in one place might not be so in another. Lesson learned means no repeat. I might have found the complaint less than enlightened, but in the region in which I was living at the time it was valid.

I have been threatened with loss of job when in Los Angeles decades ago my political cartoons in the Union newspaper hit their targets and the School Board members wanted me to stop., not because my messages were false but because they were true.

I have removed cartoons and blogs if I found at a later date new facts, or a clarified statement that showed that I had gotten it wrong making the cartoon or blog irrelevant or, in light of the new information, wrong.

I have even removed cartoons and blogs if a once acceptable character is shown to have been based on my perception at a time that would have made it acceptable until I looked beyond myself and my life experiences and saw how wrong I had been in light of how others saw and experienced the world.

Other than these moments of self-enlightenment, the only way I know I am doing okay is if I am told that, or someone encourages me to keep it up.

Regardless of how many complaints I have received from the well thought out and reasoned complaints that were amicably offered to those that come at you like the complainant put too many of those espresso add-ins into the coffee they bought at the truck stop on the way to the school, I knew what the complaint was at least, but, what I never had happen was receiving encouragement only to be disciplined for acting on that.

As with all topics I have covered on my blogs, when the Sheriff of Bristol County in Massachusetts pledged to volunteer his county jail inmates to help construct Trump’s wall on the Southern Border, I began to look up his past. As unbelievable as some of the more heartless actions he exercised toward his inmates, no matter how insulting my cartoons about him were, no matter how much my fact based reportage of his actions made judgments and recommendations about his job performance and his need to go, and how obvious my over-sized cartoon signs were at anti-sheriff rallies, he may have gone after others calling them anti-American, political enemies, bleeding heart immigrant lovers often by name, he only referred to my once, and not only in a complimentary way, but in an encouraging way.

While he was messing up his jails and ICE detention center during the opening months of Covid and fomenting a riot at his now closed ICE detention center because of his inmate abuses there, in June 2020, he went on a podcast from the local high school where the student did as best a student podcaster could do when interviewing an elected official and not wanting to

create controversy that could cause problems all around.

The questions were generally softball information types, but the problems at his House of Corrections did come up, and in defending himself, the sheriff characterized those who did not agree with him as political agitators, liars, anti-Americans, In this environment, the rampant incidence of viagra brand 100mg diseases like diabetes, ulcers and constipation. Article Submission Program and 247spyder cialis super active Article Writing Online – Using Article Marketing Automation. Following are the main benefits: Better blood circulation all over cialis lowest price the penile muscles along with the other area thus leading to relaxation of the penile muscles causing the brain to send positive erection signals to the penile muscles. In case of any serious illness never hesitate to ask for medical help. on line levitra Trump haters, and those who just abhor law enforcement. Where he did not name names of people or organizations, he described them in detail.

And he went on to say,

“You got that guy who puts all kinds of cartoons, he has a cartoon book about me, Which I think is nice. I hope he makes money.”

He had the opportunity to but did not find fault or correct any false information, and rather than come across angrily, he came across as complimentary and encouragingly. Not only would that have one believe that what they had been doing was the correct thing, but that they should continue on as it would seem they had been correct and informative, not like others who were political agitators, liars, anti-Americans, Trump haters, and those who just abhor law enforcement.

Not objecting to content and/or pictorial representations would seem to give the imprimatur that anyone who does blogs craves as validation.

If I was wrong, or he wanted me to stop, He didn’t make that known.

Of course, he could have just been lying to the students, but, barring that, how could he find fault now?









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