The poor persecutor’s persecution is not accepted


As has been said by someone better than I, just because you don’t always get what you want, it does not mean you are being persecuted. Add to that the reality that when someone refuses to be the victim of your demeaning and insulting treatment, it too does not mean you are being persecuted either.

But, if your supposed principles are weak, and you see that representing them as they are is not working to get people to come to your side, guilt and appearing as the down trodden just might work.

Hide your victimizing of others behind the false facade of their victimizing you.

Perhaps among their ilk and those who do not apply the fine art of critical thinking, this might work, but it will not increase their numbers, but may actually decrease them.

Faith 2 Action’s Janet Porter has a video, “Light Wins: How To Overcome The Criminalization of Christianity”, that she hopes will reveal the greatest threat to Christianity since the Roman Colosseum, and it’s The Gays.

She claims it is a documentary, and it “stars” such staunch Christians as Republican representatives Steve King of Iowa, Trent Franks of Arizona, Louie Gohmert of Texas, and Tim Huelskamp of Kansas, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, Mike Huckabee,former governor of Arkansas, David Barton, the self styled and quite incorrect historian, James Dobson from Focus on the Family founder, Phyllis Schlafly of the Eagle forum, Scott Lively, the pastor who has run for governor of Massachusetts and who is facing charges for ‘crimes against humanity’ because of his involvement in Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” law, and Brian Camenker, president of the anti-gay MassResistance.

Obviously a very trustworthy group when it comes to telling the truth about Gay people.

In its preview video that begins, “When evil is called good, darkness is ushered into the land. And with the darkness comes a threat to our freedoms”, Mike Huckabee appears saying, “What kind of freedom of speech do we have, if a person who expresses a biblical viewpoint about marriage is told they can’t open their business in a location?”

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The others in the video claim that Gay rights are “blatant hostility to the Christian faith”.

The video warns that Gay rights are “The most insidious and aggressive assault to our religious freedom that we’ve ever seen. That is the cultural clash of our time.”

And, totally ignoring reality it  goes on to claim that “Homosexual activists get everything they want. Nothing less than criminalization of Christianity.”

Alternative realities can be scary things.

And, while lying about Gay people’s desire to have the rights with which we have all been endowed by our creator, the videos creator intones, “I’m Janet Porter. I was in the dark about the radical agenda to silence the truth. But after years of research and observation, there is no longer any doubt. As I wrote in ‘the Criminalization of Christianity,’ if they can silence the truth, they will silence the gospel”.

To these people, my having the same God given rights as the rest of my family is “criminalizing” the Christian religion and persecuting God-fearing Christians.

There will be those who will accept this video as the perverted gospel truth that it is, but most people will see it for what it really is.

It is the bratty child in the back seat of the car who keeps hitting the other child, and who then complains of being picked on when the other kid finally hits back, even once.

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