only Brian Williams’s lies are bad


Let’s skip over the real obvious Ironies.

You know the ones.

Dick Cheney and his team of Rumsfeld, Rice, and Bush, lied us into two wars that had no exit strategy and no real purpose, but did result in 4,483 dead, over 50,000 injured, many returning vets being homeless, and up to 22 suicides a day among veterans whom we loved to say we supported, but for whom we have had no programs to help them adjust to civilian life, and whose benefits have been cut.

Yet, no one questions or holds them to those lies.

As a matter of fact, they are defended so long as you throw in the word “patriotism” and claim you love the U.S.A..

Fox News not only lies up to 75% of the time, but the network got a court ruling that said they can lie and aren’t held to reporting the truth.

Chuck Todd, who now chairs Meet the Press, famously said as a reporter that his job was not to correct stories that presented falsehoods

John Boehner consistently insisted that President Obama was not being truthful when he claimed the White House was not forewarned about the invitation to Netanyahu to speak to both Houses of Congress, only to state on Fox News this past weekend that he had not told the President about the invite beforehand so there would be no interference.

If he wasn’t lying the first time, he was the second.

Rand Paul said without hesitation, “I have heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines.”

When questioned he modified it to, “I did not say vaccines caused disorders, just that they were temporally related. I did not allege causation. I support vaccines.”

What he obviously presented as cause and effect, he claims now he only connected because one thing happened before the unrelated other.
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I didn’t say the lamp broke when I knocked it off the table and it smashed on the floor, I said that I had knocked the lamp off the table and then it broke when it hit the floor. No cause and effect, just two unrelated events that just happened one after the other with me responsible for only the first event.

Rand Paul proposed we end all foreign aid including for Israel when he had said in 2011, “Should we be giving free money or welfare to a rich nation? I don’t think so.”

But in 2014, when questioned about this plan to cut foreign aid even to Israel he said, “I haven’t really proposed that in the past. You can mistake my position, but then I’ll answer the question. That has not been a position, a legislative position, we have introduced to phase out or get rid of Israel’s aid.”

Last week at a conference, in response to a question, Rand Paul claimed that he had two Bachelor degrees. “Mine’s in biology and English, so this is going to be a great conversation”, insisting later, “I have a biology degree, OK?”

But when it was revealed that he had not finish college before entering medical school so he had earned neither a degree in Biology nor in English, he explained that away through an aide explaining he “was referring to his medical degree”.

He does have an M.D., but that is not an undergraduate degree in spite of his aide’s insistence that an M.D. “is a biology degree”.

And there was more dancing when the aide went further with Paul “never said he had an undergraduate degree in biology, and it is accurate for him to say that he has a biology degree.”

The Hines Brothers couldn’t dance this well.

One guy gets us into a war; a news organization inflames American citizens against other American citizens through lies, and misrepresents facts on a regular basis; a third lies about degrees, certifies himself to be a doctor, panics people about Ebola, and people seem okay with that.

Brian Williams says he was in a helicopter that got shot at, and he is vilified, and people are after more than a pound of flesh.

We are an interesting country.


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