Newt’s test


After the incident in Nice, France, Newt Gingrinch told Fox News,

“Western civilization is in a war. We should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim background and if they believe in Sharia they should be deported.”

He also stated that

“Sharia is incompatible with western civilization. Modern Muslims who have given up Sharia, glad to have them as citizens. Perfectly happy to have them next door.”

Sharia is Islamic religious law based on the Quran, the life of Muhammad, and the rulings of Islamic scholars. It is like the Christian laws found in such things as Canon Law of the Catholic church, and the laws of other Christian denominations based on the Bible.

In a secular society such laws only apply to the adherents of a particular religious sect. In a theocracy, they apply to all citizens whether of that faith or not.

In the United States there is a movement to have the laws of this country based on Christian laws imposed on believers and non-believers alike.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has suggested the testing of all U.S. Muslims to see if they believe in Sharia, deporting those who do, and monitoring US mosques and jailing anyone who visits websites favoring a terror group.

“Anybody who goes on a website favoring Isis, or al-Qaeda, or other terrorist groups, that should be a felony, and they should go to jail.”

Since I do a lot of web surfing to learn about things for my blog, would I somehow be committing a felony if I went for such a website for that purpose, and how would anyone know unless as an American citizen I was being monitored without my knowledge?

Nihad Awaid,  National Executive Director of CAIR, said the suggestion that American Muslims be subjected to an “Inquisition-style religious test” plays into the hands of terror recruiters and “betrays American values”.
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Gingrich is obviously playing into people’s fears.

He is also creating a divide between the United State and the non-ISIS affiliated Muslims throughout the world who should be considered our allies as opposed enemies as they are also victims of ISIS terror attacks at a far greater rate than any other group. But lumping all Muslims under the banner of ISIS or as suspected members of ISIS can destroy that.

And if we are going to be non-discriminatory in testing religions that have their own laws, will Newt agree to testing those who follow the Jewish law, or “Halacha”, which, like Sharia, ranges from fundamentalist to liberal, and whose Hanbali interpretation of Jewish law has internal rules that deal in matters of punishment for criminal and sexual transgressions which are very harsh by Western standards.

Both conservative Jewish law and Sharia law deal with all aspects of human existence from marriage and divorce to economics and commercial law to personal behavior and even hygiene.

Then we have Israel that officially endorses sharia as a legal system, and is one of Gingrich’s most favored countries.

Israel’s sharia courts, the Ministry of Justice, allows Muslims to seek religious recourse for their personal dilemmas, and has been in operation since Israel’s founding.

Does the support for the existence of sharia courts by Israel’s government, which pays the salaries of sharia judges bring into question Israel’s commitment to Western values?

What do we do about Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, and Reuven Rivlin, Israel’s president who quoted the Quran, “Indeed, did We send Our apostles with all evidence of truth, and through them We bestowed revelation from on high, and gave you a balance so that men might behave with equity”, when they welcomed the appointment of seven new Muslim court judges?

Perhaps in his rush to promote fear, Newt has revealed he is not informed enough to make a wise decision in this area, and hasn’t bothered to look into what he is talking about.

He actually has no idea what Sharia Law actually is.


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