The culprit?


It seems that every day there is a leak from the White House, or some other governmental agency, that exposes that things are not in reality the image that the Trump Administration wants to have presented to the public.

Trump is angry and has said he will find out and punish whoever is doing the leaking.

Recently when it came to the leaks of Michael Flynn’s contacts with Russia which led to his resignation, Trump was angry and said,

“That was classified information that was given illegally. That’s the real problem. We’re looking at them very, very seriously. I’ve gone to all of the folks in charge of the various agencies and I’ve actually called the Justice Department to look into the leaks. Those are criminal leaks.”

But he needs to be cautious as he claims he does not know who the leaker is, and to be too stern in his statement can lead to problems.

Remember how things ended for him when Oedipus strongly condemned the murderer of Laius and tried to show how tough and merciless he would be?

“whoever the man is who did this crime,
      one unknown person acting on his own
      or with companions, the worst of agonies
      will wear out his wretched life. I pray, too,
      that, if he should become an honoured guest
      in my own home and with my knowledge,                                                     
      I may suffer all those things I’ve just called down
      upon the killers. And I urge you now
      to make sure all these orders take effect,
      for my sake, for the sake of the god,
      and for our barren, godless, ruined land.
      For in this matter, even if a god
      were not urging us, it would not be right
      for you to simply leave things as they are
      and not to purify the murder of a man
      who was so noble and who was your king.                                                     
      You should have looked into it.     

 As for those who do not follow what I urge,
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      or one more hateful still.”

His first suspect, mentioned by name, is President Obama.

But just as President Trump blames everyone else for his mistakes and failings, it may turn out that the leaks from the White House might actually be coming from Trump himself.

According to several private intelligence reports, the source of the leaks from the White House might be from President Trump’s unsecured Android device.

President Trump has refused to stop using his personal, consumer-grade Android smartphone which is probably not being aggressively protected from malware or phishing.

It only takes one malicious link to compromise a device resulting in hackers getting access to and control over a phone’s microphone, camera, contacts, stored data, and browser history. If Trump ever opened something as seemingly innocent as an animated GIF during the time he owned the device, hackers got a way in.

One such text message that people are aware of contained the GIF of Trump giving Russian President, Vladimir Putin, a friendly hug, and was sent to President Trump as a joke by a supposed long-time acquaintance who could have been a hacker in disguise, according to Investigators from A.R.H. Intelligence and Z|13 Security.

And if hackers did gain access to Trump’s unsecured Android device, they could have activated the device’s built-in microphone and camera which gives them access to sensitive information they can pass on the press.

Perhaps the easiest investigation to ascertain the source of the leaks will be as simple as looking at the device in the president’s hand.

And then the Greek Chorus, We The People, will find ourselves intoning,
      “You residents of Thebes, our native land,
      look on this man, this Oedipus, the one
      who understood that celebrated riddle.
      He was the most powerful of men.
      All citizens who witnessed this man’s wealth
      were envious. Now what a surging tide                                      
      of terrible disaster sweeps around him.
      So while we wait to see that final day,
      we cannot call a mortal being happy
      before he’s passed beyond life free from pain.”

Life imitates art.

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