Appearance vs reality


When his student deferments, four of them, ran out, Donald Trump went for a medical deferment during the Vietnam War because of the bone spurs on one of his feet, although he can no longer remember which one, after having played golf and tennis in college, and then continued to do so after the bone spur medical deferment was granted.

He later claimed that his making a lot of business decisions was as harrowing as fighting in combat, and that having so much unprotected sex as he chased models was his “own personal Vietnam”.

He considered that his actual military experience, going to military school, was better training than boot camp and real experience, and that he knew more about war than the generals.

When a veteran handed him his Purple Heart at a rally, a medal obviously won because of a service related injury, Donald Trump thanked him and included in his spontaneous remark that he always wanted one of those.

However, it is clear from his background that he just did not want to be in a position to earn one.

Each of his five deferments meant that someone else had to go into combat, which meant, instead of his one chance of injury, death, or survival, five other people had to go in his stead and face that.

One wonders how many of them died so he could play tennis and golf.

When he arrived at the super-carrier USS Gerald Ford to dedicate it, he was handed a jacket and a hat and told they were for him to take home. However, he chose to put both on and stand in front of the gathered military to give a speech, talk tough, and look like one of the guys.

“You know what; they just gave me this beautiful jacket. They said, ‘Here Mr President, please take this home. I said, ‘Let me wear it,’ and then they gave me the beautiful hat and I said, ‘You know, maybe I’ll do that’. We have a great ‘Make America great again’ hat but I said, ‘This is a special day, we’re wearing this, right?’”

There is now a picture of him dressed in his military garb with sailors standing behind him.

He got his photo-op worthy of framing, and perhaps a nice donation love-gift.

In his speech, he talked about the military beginning to win again, which was rather insulting as he implied that the military are not doing what they should be doing. It’s not that the arm chair “generals”, the politicians, are sending the military into unwinnable situations with no plan to execute and no exit strategy, to him it is a failure of those being sent.

In response to the cosplay on the super-carrier,  Veteran John MacFarland posted on Facebook:
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“I realise Trump rates a salute as Commander in Chief and he can wear a command cap if he’s comfortable doing so, but that doesn’t mean we sailors and other vets have to approve of it.

This clown got five deferments when his generation was called. Instead of serving, he dodged, ducked and weaved.

If he had any self-awareness he wouldn’t stride around ship in that cap and jacket like he rates anything aside from what custom and courtesy dictate. All the while scowling like a tough guy.”

His tough guy reality is that over a nice dinner with his son-in-law he decided to go ahead with an incomplete plan to go after an Al Qaeda strong hold, got a Navy Seal Killed, not to mention all the civilians, and then pointed out his widow in the gallery during his State of the Union Speech and tried to look so supportive of the military.

He used the widow, as he does any soldier nearby, as a prop in a photo op.

And this while he closed down child care centers for the children of members of the armed services.

He previously said that John McCain was not a hero because he had been captured in Vietnam. Apparently it is better to lie your way out of service than to be in it and get shot down while going your duty.

In response to Mr. Kahn’s speech at the Democratic Convention, he put down the Gold Star Family, implying they were not truly American because they were one of the “Others”.

He claimed his avoiding a debate, because the sponsors refused to pay him to show up, was to have a fundraiser for veterans while not turning over the money until he was called on it, and even then turning over less money than he claimed he had raised with the proof he had even done that being his word that he did.

But, hey, didn’t he look so macho in his Navy drag.

And now that he has that picture, the hat, and the jacket, he is fully competent to send more members of the military to more places because he is a true military man.

Watch out Iran and North Korea.


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