Stupid idea

The latest move to reduce gun violence in schools isn’t to limit the ease with which people, including those with mental illness which is what has been decided is the overall cause of mass shootings, but to give students clear plastic backpacks.

But there is something that those who love this idea forget, or haven’t thought through.

The perpetrators of school shootings do not arrive at school before class and enter with their future victims. They arrive at the school during the school day. They haven’t been in the school waiting for their opportunity to pull out their weapon, and they haven’t been using hand guns that can be concealed in a backpack. They use large capacity rifles that wouldn’t fit in a backpack.

I worked in a school system where each morning students had to walk through metal detectors, have the contents of their backpacks inspected, and in cold weather take off their jackets and coats to have them patted down for any concealed objects.

Anyone, even visitors, coming into the school with the students in the morning or during the day would have to go through this procedure.

Obviously bringing a gun to school would not be the best idea as it had a good chance of being found.

Any student planning to shoot up the school would know this, and would probably be smart enough to conceal their weapon somewhere outside the building, and, being familiar with the building, they would know the best ways to get out of the building to retrieve it during the day.

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Plastic backpacks may make the adults think the kids are safe, but all they do is give a false sense of security to the adults, but do nothing for the students who are being treated as the problem not the potential victims.

That thing that was wrapped in plain paper that looked like a sandwich or an odd looking object turned out to be a feminine hygiene product  discovered to be so because of a rather embarrassing close inspection by the person who was inspecting the backpack while the young woman stood there, or was revealed to be what it was because the student had to explain what it was to the person who pulled it out of the backpack.

This was a common and humiliating moment.

Items such as these will be obvious in a plastic backpack and will be seen by any student walking behind the students with them

We will go to great lengths to victimize the potential victims, but we refuse to take the necessary steps to limit access to high capacity, unnecessary arms.

Plastic backpacks are a ridiculous solution to a real problem.

Universal background checks with realistic restrictions on the types of unnecessary weapons people can buy, and realistically restricting gun ownership to people who do not exhibit obvious signs they should not own them, like those with mental illness which is the latest cause du jour of gun violence while those same people can now buy guns because the president, who claims it’s not a gun problem but a mental illness one, signed an executive order allowing them to, would be a more effective, though politically challenging approach than ignoring reality and instituting a useless but comfortable solution.

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