Desperately hanging on


They have attempted to bully Americans with the Bible.

They have attempted to force us to follow their beliefs by codifying them in law.

They have gotten into politics so that the House of Representatives has more Southern Baptists in congress than ever before.

They present the most obvious lies as truth, which insults the intelligence of the people.

They are driving the majority of Americans away from the very religion they claim we should all be attracted to.

They are attempting to get Americans to turn on each other by demonizing the other-  first the Jews, then the Blacks, then the immigrants, then the Gays.

And they are losing.

They have made Jesus Satan.

56 million Americans do not identify with any particular church.

That means that, although Christianity may be the dominant religious group because of its many denominations, its ranks are shrinking.

Those who identify as having no particular faith, and those who are atheists or agnostics grew from 16% to 23% from 2007 to 2014 according to a Pew Research Center study with Christians dropping from 78% of the population to 71%.

What was once the majority religious group, Protestants, is now less than 1/2 of the population.

Those who are unaffiliated with a particular church have begun fighting the influence of organized religion on public life.

This means that the Religious Right is losing its edge, and this could be why they seem so desperate to promote their religious beliefs in the public square.

Millennials have a different attitude toward their peers, a little more accepting of differences than does the older generation. What has been used to scare older people to become defensive and wary of others, and to support those politicians who claim they will protect them from those evils, is seen as false and fictitious by the younger generations who see nothing all that scary about their peers with whom they have grown up and  who may be different from them.

More straight kids than in the past have known Gay friends, and seem to have always had them, as far as they are concerned, so they see the appeal to the threat of the Gay boogie man to be foolish and almost comic, and those who talk this way to be clownish with their impending deaths coming, hopefully, soon enough to be rid of their hatred and lies.

When the religious right makes its obviously false statements, they see them for what they are.

The Religious Right has become its religion’s worst enemy.

It is obvious from the lies of desperation, the claims of persecution, and the attempts to supplant the Constitution with their religious law, that the Religious Right is desperately grasping at the edge of the cliff to hold on to any power they might still have and to increase it.

But they are losing.

If, like the Separatists,  they could leave as a group to a land of their own to rule their lives according to their beliefs, they would found a very unhappy colony, but one whose limited world view would have them feeling safe and justified.

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It’s always good to have proof


At the South Carolina Freedom Summit, Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee was asked what the United States should be doing to protect Christians around the world.

She responded that

“One of the things that we should be doing here is being very strong in our stance with religious freedom in our country… Our allies around the globe want to see us stay strong on our rights and not erode those rights… With the human rights violations and religious persecutions around the globe, we need a State Department that is going to step in and say, ‘This is not acceptable’”.

She also claimed that Christians are being persecuted right here in the United States.

When she was then asked to give an example of this persecution, she admitted that she actually did not have one.

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Our own ISIS


The Christian Right has issued a threat to the U.S. Supreme Court.

They are threatening civil disobedience if SCOTUS rules in favor of same-sex marriage.

backin 2009, with, I am sure they will claim, no connection whatsoever to President Obama’s having recently taken office, 150 Christian Right religious and political leaders issued the “Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience”.

It dealt with three interrelated values: “sanctity of life,” “traditional marriage,” and “religious freedom”, and called for “resistance to the point of civil disobedience against any legislation that might implicate their churches or charities in abortion, embryo-destructive research or same-sex marriage.”

Even then, at least as far as a monopoly on marriage went, they thought they had more of a controlling role in American life than they actually do.

Now, they have gotten a little more unhinged as the White Southern Christian Nationalists has called for such things as political assassinations and secessionist civil war if he Court does not bow to them.

Calling this “A Bonhoeffer Moment in america ”, a reference to the famous Lutheran theologian  who resisted the Nazi regime, 200 Christian Right figures recently signed a renewed pledge of resistance to the anticipated Supreme Court decision favoring marriage equality.

This new manifesto claims that extending marriage to same-sex couples violates their religious freedom. As a result, they are warning the Supreme Court that they will ignore their decision and would adhere to “higher law.”

It was co-authored by Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel and Catholic activist Keith Fournier, and was signed by such well known Christian Right leaders as James Dobson, Jim Garlow, Franklin Graham, John Hagee, William Boykin, and Frank Pavone; Southern Baptist Convention leaders Paige Patterson, Ed Young, Robert Jeffress and Richard Land; leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation, including Aveda King, Samuel Rodriguez, Cindy Jacobs, James Robison, Rick Joyner, and Joseph Mattera; and Republican politicians Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum and Tom DeLay.

Scott Lively, who ran for governor of Massachusetts and had a role in Russia’s anti-Gay laws and Uganda’s “kill the gays” legislation, has announced that the only way to oppose same sex marriage is with the “threat of the mob.”

“The elites need to see the angry mob – liberals and conservatives together – surging through the streets, pitchforks and torches held aloft, ready to tear down Frankenstein’s castle with their bare hands if need be. For Christians it’s Jesus and the moneychangers time! Making a whip of cords like He did with His own hands, and letting these arrogant puppet-masters know we mean to use it. The only way to deter the elites is with the threat of the mob. They need to see the pitchforks and torches to know they’ve gone too far and need to back down.”

Ignoring civil law and reacting to a court ruling you do not like with violence seems to be one of the possible ways that Al Qaeida might have gotten going.

People like Lively might dismiss this as merely a metaphor for opposition, but it is also language that could encourage people to act.

Threatening violence is not freedom of speech.

By the way, the lawsuit brought by Ugandan GLBT activists against Scott Lively, Sexual Minorities of Uganda v. Lively, will be tried in September of this year in federal court in Springfield, Massachusetts.

The civil disobedience may turn out to just be a threat issued from frustration as the world is changing around those who issued it, but there are people who listen to those who are in that above list, and, just as with Thomas a Becket in the cathedral, there could be those loyal knights who see taking action as the Christian thing to do.

America’s ISIS could be given birth in the name of a different religion, the “right one”.

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God the vending machine


Years ago, centuries it seems, in my early life, I had a strong and very strict religious training. You don’t earn the title “Brother” without going to the religious boot camp known as a “Novitiate”.

Obviously during that time, you not only study a lot of theology, but you are also introduced to many of the rules, regulations, and practices of the church, and in so doing also hear about the possible abuses of those rules and what some erroneously label acts of “devotion”.

You learn that what separates us from the lower species is the gift of free will, and you learn that with it, the use of the explanation for actions, “God’s will be done”, can become as much an excuse for bad decisions and actions as it is giving your life to God.

You also learn that when it comes to sin and the forgiveness of it, some see confession and repentance as proof that God is a celestial beatific vending machine who will conveniently dispense forgiveness, like soda from a machine, as many time as we go to the well, even if this becomes rather abusive.

It makes it so that people can commit sins as often as they so choose, but then, usually when it comes to convenience and expedience, announce to those who will buy it that they have been forgiven by God for whatever transgression has been enjoyed, and it is those who do not accept that a person has received the forgiveness of God who are the ones at fault for the sin of judging another.

This allow people to do what they want for whatever reason they want, even if it is harmful to others, and leaves them to announce that God in His infinite love has chosen to forgive them, although, He doesn’t seem all that concerned with cleaning up the damage that might have been done.

Politicians love this tactic as they will appeal to a base that may find out they are guilty of the very thing their proposed legislation is intended to stop, and will simply announce they have God’s forgiveness, or even that they had been overtaken by Satan, and now that they have self-exorcised him from their lives, are free, and should be forgiven by their constituents.

Then it’s off again to the spiritual vending machine if they do exactly what they enjoy doing, even if they know the action will offend their base.

They will announce God’s forgiveness as often as they need to, sometimes within moments of the act.

Then of course, there are those other approaches.

One is to apologize to anyone who took offense as that way you don’t have to be sorry, but those to whom you apologize need to do a little soul searching as they are guilty of making you feel guilty.

The victim becomes the victimizer, and you get off free.

You aren’t sorry for what you said and did, but that others are guilty of being offended.

The other is to broadly apologize, but then blame someone else for making you do it, like, say, Satan.

What’s rare is when all the various forms of apology are employed all at once to make sure all ground is covered like they were after the Georgia high school principal and school founder named Nancy Gordeuk launched into a racist tirade against the graduates at a recent high school graduation ceremony.

Her apology on local news reports included.

“God has forgiven me.”
“The devil was in the house.”
“I told my husband it didn’t sound like me or even feel like me saying it.”
“I’m sorry this gotten all blown out of proportion.”

Yep, she got it all covered, except, as is so common, the words “I’m sorry” or, I made a mistake” were avoided.

She would make a fine politician.

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This morning on the Sunday talk shows


Got to watch the Sunday morning talking head/panel shows, and, of course, the declared 2016 candidates for president got a chance to appear.

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As poor people go, ours have it easy.


While his party, the GOP, is slashing public investments, cutting taxes on the wealthy, and telling the poor that their station in life could be worse, Representative Darrel Issa, a very rich man, has informed us that “If you go to India or you go to any number of other Third World countries, you have two problems: You have greater inequality of income and wealth. You also have less opportunity for people to rise from the have not to the have,” and that makes “our poor somewhat the envy of the world.”

We are, after all, the richest country in the world, so if our poor people went to a place like India, they would be relatively well off.

Somehow for a very rich man, who is a Congressman in Washington DC, to avoid comparisons of our country with other industrialized countries, but, rather, chooses, instead, to compare the United State to third world countries seems a little off.

People have blamed President Obama for the undocumented aliens coming to this country for a better life, but it seems that if a Congressman is telling poor people in really poor countries that they could have it so much better being poor in the United States, that would seem to be a great incentive to come here.

Perhaps, following Darrel Issa’s lead, we should promote a new america slogan:

“The United State. We’re not as bad as India”

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The blame game.


In it’s need to find a demon upon whom they can blame everything that goes wrong so that, being unable to explain their beliefs and proposed legislation with supporting reason, they can scare people to support them because we need to be protected from created and imagined evils, the conservative religious based right blames either President Obama for any ill if they are not blaming Gay people.

Both have been blamed for storms, tornadoes, bad winters, floods, fires, undocumented aliens, disease, their own conspiracy theories, racial tension, riots, and what the GOP has done.

Recently, Karl Rove even went so far as to list everything that went wrong under George W Bush, and then said it had all happened after Obama took office.

Hopefully in the coming months as the clown car continues to fill with GOP candidates and they vie with each other to make the most exaggerated accusations against their favorite “demon”, the American public will see how desperate they are in this game.

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The GOP re-write of the Gospels


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